Aug 16, 2011

China - China's expectant mothers blocked from crossing HK border

Each day, expectant mothers from the mainland attempt to cross the border in the hope of giving their children a Hong Kong passport and, in many cases, in order to avoid China's one-child policy. 

What started as a trickle in 2001, after a landmark court case granted Hong Kong residency to the child of two mainland parents, has become a deluge that threatens to overwhelm Hong Kong's hospitals.

Of the 88,000 babies or so born in Hong Kong last year, around 45 per cent were the children of mainland parents.

Gangsheng yidai, the "Hong Kong-born generation", has become a popular catchphrase, while agencies have sprung up to offer package-deals to rich Chinese, who are drawn to the city's world-class medical care.

More than 1,500 Chinese women even waited until they had gone into labour before making the hour-long dash to hospitals just across the border.

In response, Hong Kong has now introduced a quota of 3,400 spaces at its public hospitals and 31,000 more at its private hospitals. The tally is around seven per cent lower than the expected number of mainland births for this year.

Additional measures to calm the situation include the team of doctors at the border, who have managed to stop 1,200 women so far this year.

Any woman they spot who is more than seven months pregnant and does not have a previous medical record in Hong Kong is refused entry.

The doctors "operate from 9am to 10pm, seven days a week," said a spokesman for the Department of Health. "In the case of any emergency, the women will be transferred to hospitals for management," he added.

"I think [the new measures] have been effective, but the major concern is that the situation in private hospitals becomes uncontrolled," said Dr Cheung Tak Hon, the head of obstetrics and gynaecology at the Prince of Wales public hospital in Shatin, just near the border.

"There has been a significant rise in private hospital charges. Hong Kong is a market economy," he added.

Meanwhile, several Chinese agencies now offer "birth deals" in Hong Kong, as well as to destinations such as the United States and Canada.

A salesman at HKBB (Hong Kong Baby) said he could arrange a private car to the border and on the other side, an agent to help pass through customs, appointments with doctors in Hong Kong and even someone to go and collect the child's Hong Kong resident's permit. The fees range from 80,000 yuan (GBP 7,700) to 180,000 yuan, depending on the level of service.

"All that has happened with the new measures is that they have made it slightly more inconvenient," he said.

The wave of mainland mothers has upset Hong Kong locals who complain that it is now near-impossible to find pregnancy care in the city's public hospitals and that private hospitals have ramped up their prices in the face of overwhelming demand.

"I am expecting my second child in October," said Karin Lau, 34, an executive at a property investment company. "As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I tried to book a room in a good hospital.

"Two years ago, when I had my first, it was easy. But this time I had to go on a waiting list. Some of my French friends, who are due to have a child at the same time, have only just managed to get a spot.

Even the not-so-popular hospitals are full. The demand is just too great." She added that the price for a delivery had risen 25 per cent to HK$100,000 (GBP 7,900).

"As a mother, I understand that everyone wants the best for their child," she said. "But I think the government should put Hong Kong residents first."

Dr Cheung said: "I do not think it is possible to stop these women, but I hope it will not get any worse."

"The mothers who do not book ahead and just arrive at Accident and Emergency are endangering their lives and the health of their babies".

Since February, Dr Cheung's hospital has refused to accept any more bookings from mainland mothers along with three other of the most popular public hospitals. But he said he still expected 60 to 70 women would manage to evade the border controls and arrive while in labour. 

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