Aug 14, 2011

Malaysia - Parents happy with changes for students to apply for British visa

PETALING JAYA: Parents who intend to send their children to further their studies in Britain are happy with the changes made to the country’s visa application system.
The Tier 4 student visa system now gives those who fail to provide the correct documents, the opportunity to defer their applications while they hand over the necessary evidence.
Businessman Mohamad Abdullah, 55, who will be sending his children to Queen Mary, University of London in January, said he was glad there was some leniency.
“It helps lessen the trauma of having to go through the application process all over again.
“This makes it much easier for parents. All we have to do is make sure that we have money for our children’s study costs in Britain,” he said, adding that many parents had assumed the process to be an easy and hassle-free endeavour.
“They are not aware that applying for a student visa can be difficult.
“The general perception is that visa applications are only rejected under exceptional circumstances,” said Mohamad.
Previously, applications without the necessary documents would be rejected, forcing students to re-apply for their visas.
Universiti Tenaga Nasional student Aishah Mohd Suhaimi, 20, said the changes were a positive move.
“I am currently choosing between furthering my studies in the United States or Britain. These changes make Britain an attractive choice,” she said.
Aishah said sometimes, students were not advised on how to fill these application forms and end up making mistakes.
“Now, they don’t have to go through the trauma of re-applying. But I am worried that if the system is too lenient, students may take advantage of it. It’s fine if their mistakes are genuine and not fraudulent,” she said.
University of York Accounting and Finance student Syahira Mahmud, 21, said the changes would benefit those without a scholarship.
“It’s very convenient for them because usually sponsored students are given guidance on how to fill their visa application form,” she said.


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