Aug 17, 2011

Vietnam - Government office heads promises clear, simple admin procedures

Minister Vu Duc Dam, Chairman of the Government Office, promised to carry out further reformation to administration procedures so that the government serves people better.

Administration reform has always been a hot issue for government mechanism as it is considered one of the first mission of the government to perfect the market economy under socialist orientation, Dam, who was recently appointed to the post, said in a recent interview with the Saigon Giai Phong.

He said administration reform has gained some specific results during the previous term of the government. “But to reform administration procedures is a process and it needs to be carried out constantly with high determination.”

The minister said that the reformation needs to be done strongly, determinedly, comprehensively with great focuses in order to achieve breakthroughs.
He said the job is complicated, but sometimes sensitive, thus it has to be carried out scientifically and flexibly.

The Prime Minister has announced earlier that in the coming time, the government needs to reform the country’s administration system in every sector, including the institution, the operation of the government mechanism, administrative procedures and state finance.

 “This can be regarded as the administration system transforming itself,” Dam said, calling higher-ranking officials to support the plan first to make examples for lower officials and to persuade the whole society to cooperate.

Dam said that administrative reforms will do a lot of help to the economy.

Clear policies with high forecasting capacity will help investors avoid risks, as well as prevent speculation, corruption and reduce business costs, he said.

The new minister also called for more participation of people and businesses into the construction of policies and regulations in order to hold the government officials, especially the legislators, more responsible of their work.

Project No.30 was initiated by the government in 2007 to simplify administrative procedures between 2007 and 2010, but many people and businesses have still complained about the tiring and time-costing procedures.

Dam also admitted that “administrative procedures are not really convenient yet.”
But he said a large number of procedures have been simplified and adjusted.

The simplification has not totally satisfied people and businesses but they have felt happier and more confident about further improvement in the procedures, the minister said.
Dam said Vietnam’s government is in the process of transforming from managing the country into serving the country.

“The change is inevitable and we should do it more strongly,” he said.
“It’s not that the government will stop managing but it will manage to serve.”
Dam said the Government Office and all governmental agencies will continue to listen to people’s opinions to make better changes to the government.

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