Aug 12, 2011

Vietnam - Government supports legal press, minister says

The press has been given a clear road to operate, and it needs to continue the role of publicizing the Party and government’s guidelines, new Minister of Information and Communication Nguyen Bac Son said Wednesday.

Speaking during a ceremony at the ministry headquarters in which he received the office from his predecessors Le Doan Hop, Son said the ministry will carry out plans to develop the press constantly as the sector would contribute to the construction and development of the country.

He said there’s been no barriers to the press if it is operating under the laws.
“There’s no actions to prevent the operation of the press.”

Reporters have always been provided with comprehensive and adequate information in all fields, Son said.

After every National Assembly or government’s meeting, there’s always a press briefings to publish related information, he said as making an example.

There’re are more than 700 press agencies operating in Vietnam and all have performed their roles very well in the past time, especially the job of publicizing the government’s socio-economic targets and programs, the minister said.

Under his service, Son said news agencies and broadcasting centers will continue to be managed strictly under the Prime Minister guidelines.

Press agencies have to fully perform their roles of educating the public with the policies and viewpoints of the Party and the central government, he said.

They are the bridge to create an agreement between the government, the Party and the society, as well as to build citizens’ confidence for the government.

Besides the media, the new minister also said that he would focus his service on the management of Internet, telecommunication, and IT application.

Suitable policies would help manage the sectors properly while providing it with development in accordance with increasing demand from the society, Son said.

The new minister said that the government should improve its management over telecommunication and information technology facilities, making the sectors meet the demands of social-economic development and especially of national defense and security.

He said that the ministry will make efforts to develop any applications possible from information technology.


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