Aug 10, 2011

Vietnam - HCM City: schools groaning under VIPs’ instructions

Summer proves to be the busiest time for “star” schools, because it is the time for them to enroll students for the new academic year. Especially, they cannot refuse the students who are the relatives of children of VIPs, even when the schools get overloaded.

A long queue of parents was seen in front of the board of management of a star secondary school in district 3 of HCM City. Every parent griped a lot of papers in their hands: the papers are very important because they decide whether their children can be enrolled in the school. Of course, the parents also had the written letters from the VIPs, who are holding high positions at state agencies, requesting the school to accept the students.

The leaders of the schools received a lot of parents, but there were still many parents waiting outside the office. Getting impatient, an officer came out and told the parents: “All the parents who have “letters from the VIPs from education sub-department or people’s committees should go home now. We will have not enough time to deal with all applications today.”

Excellent students failed, VIP students can enroll in star schools

On July 15, a lot of secondary schools in HCM City released the lists of students to be accepted to study at the schools. Many parents, who came to the Nguyen Du Secondary School in district 1, felt discouraged when they could not find the names of their children in the list of the school’s students.

“The notice of the school previously said the students would be eligible for studying at the school if they get 19 marks from the exams and more. Meanwhile, my child got 20 marks, but he still has been refused,” a parent complained.

A lot of other parents shared the same complaint with the parent, saying that their children also failed to apply for studying at the school, even though they got high marks at the exams.

The problem is that the students, who got 19 or 20 marks, have to give up their seats to the students, who are the relatives of VIPs. According to Phu nu Thanh pho HCM, the star schools in some central districts of HCM City, remain the targets of many parents. The number of applications for studying at the star schools is always three times higher than the number of seat the schools can provide.

In general, every star school has long list of VIP students to whom the schools need to give priority in arranging seats at the schools. Every student is “sponsored” by a VIP. Leader of a school said that in general, the VIPs sign their names next to the names of the students applying for studying at the schools, and show their current positions, which the schools will refer to make final decisions.

“The list of VIP students has put a hard pressure on us,” a leader of a school complained. “In some cases, the VIPs only signed their names in the lists, but they did not show the relations between them and the sponsored students”.

Also according to the educator, each of the districts’ leader (secretary, chair of the people’s committee, deputy chair…) “acts as a guarantee” for 20 students. Besides this, the schools also have to arrange seats for the students, who are the relatives of VIPs from other state agencies as well. As a result, a lot of students, who have legitimate reasons to study at the schools, have been refused.

Under the current regulations, general schools receive students from certain set localities as stipulated by the authorities. However, parents still want to bring their children to the “star” schools which are located in other localities. In district 3, for example, the Le Quy Don School has received 150 applications from the students who do not live in the right localities. The figures were 70 for Colette, 11 for Ky Dong, 100 for Nguyen Thai Son and 80 for Luong Dinh Cua.

Schools have more classes, but no more classrooms

In district 3 of HCM City, many primary schools have to open from two to four classes in order to satisfy the demand from students. At some schools, the number of students in every class reached 58. This explains why many schools have failed to implement the plan to become the high quality schools because of the overly high enrolled number of students.

Since there are too many students, the schools have to put more students into every class. The city’s education sub-department has promised to allow the schools to open more classes. However, two questions have been raised that where the schools need to find teachers for the new classes, and where the new classes will be set up.

Source: Phu nu/ VNN

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