Aug 12, 2011

Vietnam - Improper mechanism makes agencies puzzled in treating wastes

The volume of hazardous wastes has been increasing significantly in the modernization and industrialization process. Meanwhile, the management over the hazardous waste treatment has not been improved.
Wastes only go through rudimentary treatment methods
According to the Law on Environment Protection, hazardous wastes may exist in liquid, solid, sludge, gas or other forms. Hazardous wastes that contain toxic elements, radioactive, flammable, explosive, corrosive, infectious, poisonous or other hazardous properties.

All individuals and all management agencies well understand that it is necessary to keep a strict control over the prevention, reduction, classifying, collecting, transporting, storing, or recycling of hazardous wastes. However, the problem is that they still cannot do that.

According to the Policy Agency for Fighting Environment Crimes (C49), there are about 80 enterprises nationwide which have the functions of treating hazardous wastes. However, it is the enterprises which have caused the pollution the most.

The problem is that the enterprises sign the contracts with other enterprises on treating hazardous wastes with modern technologies, but they do not fulfill their duties, but just bury the wastes under the ground.

Also according to C49, only 60 percent of the total one million tons of hazardous wastes can be treated, while the other 40 percent are buried under the ground or re-used illegally. Meanwhile, inspection agencies can only deal with 10 percent of the total number of violating cases.

The healthcare sector alone discharges 350-500 tons of solid waste every day, including 45 tons of hazardous waste. Meanwhile, the figure would exceed 70 tons per day by 2015 and 93 tons by 2020.

In 2010, 322 cases were discovered, while the violators were imposed the fines of up to 10 billion dong. Of the 322 cases, 29 percent violated the regulations on emissions, 33 percent on waste collection and transportation, 25 percent on treatment and 13 percent on recycling for re-use.

Especially, while hazardous wastes from domestic sources have not been treated well to the very end, a lot of enterprises still try to import hazardous wastes to Vietnam through different ways and then resell the wastes for profits.

A proper mechanism needed

According to Hoang Van Vy, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Environment General Department under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, the management work over the waste treatment in many localities remains weak. In the provinces, evidences have been found that local authorities “dodge the laws” to license waste treatment companies. Vy said that it is necessary to soon complete the legal framework on the waste treatment management, proposing to simplify procedures and impose heavier punishments.

Luong Minh Thao, Deputy Head of C49, has also stressed that it is necessary to perfect the legal framework to heighten the efficiency of the management work.

Also, the lack of money has also been cited as an obstacle for treating wastes in Vietnam. At a recent workshop on the waste treatment technology WtE, Vinaconex said the corporation is planning to use WtE in Vietnam. However, scientists have said that the technology should only be used in some developed areas such as Hanoi or HCM City because of the big money needed for the project.

Nguyen Trung Hoa, Director of the Science, Technology and the Environment Department said that there are many kinds of waste treatment technologies, while policies have also been promulgated, but not all enterprises can access the solutions. Therefore, Hoa believes that it is necessary to push up the socialization in treating hazardous wastes.
Source: Kinh Te & Do Thi
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