Aug 9, 2011

Vietnam - NA urged to reform to serve people better

The new National Assembly (NA) tenure should not change its function, but the way it carries out activities to serve the people more effectively, said NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung.

At the closing ceremony of the 13th National Assembly's first session in Hanoi on August 6, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung chaired a press conference to announce the results of the session and answered reporters’ questions on many issues, particularly the renovation of the NA in the new tenure. 

As the head of the most powerful body, could you let us know about the renovations to improve the role of the NA in the future?

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung: The NA has three major functions: creating legislation, deciding important national issues and supervising all State activities. Any changes in the new tenure should focus on these main functions, incorporate the advantages of the past 12 NA tenures and overcome existing shortcomings.

Regarding the legislative function, we should try to create better legal programmes to meet the requirements of the current situation. 

Therefore, it is necessary to make changes in the way laws are made, from compiling to discussing in committees standing committees and the NA. If a law or ordinance has been issued, it must be put into operation. 

For deciding important national issues, we should carefully determine the high priority issues to be addressed by the NA.

Public opinion should be sought and thorough preparations made to select the most important issues and make accurate decisions.

It is important to select the right thing in order to supervise NA bodies, standing committees, NA deputies and the State in the most effective way.  

To carry out such supervision effectively, the supervisors should have appropriate qualifications and capacities. Some affairs of the NA Standing Committees need to be monitored every month. 

It is also important to invite assistance from delegates who specialize in particular issues that need to be supervised. Each NA deputy and delegation should find ways to supervise that are relevant to each area. For large scale monitoring, it is necessary to travel to many places, not only one locality. 

Deputies, delegations, NA committees, and standing committees must also make changes. 390 out of 500 deputies have been elected to NA committees in the 13th NA, so it needs to be decided where the remaining deputies will go and what they will do.

In addition, deputies should cooperate with other committees to discuss issues of mutual concern, depending on their capabilities.

What is your assessment of opportunities and challenges in the current situation?

There is an urgent need for renovation, but the 13th NA has inherited the achievements of the 12th NA, as well as the previous 12 tenures.

The 13th NA deputies have higher level of knowledge, and one third of them are responsible for certain areas. This is an advantage that can be turned into an opportunity.

Each NA tenure has its own specific missions, however, there is always the common task of implementing the Party and State’s cause of renewal.

Reforming the NA does not mean creating entirely new functions, but adjusting its methods of operation to be more effective and serve the people better.

It is essential to have a roadmap for implementing the renovation process following the NA resolutions. We hope to have the resolution on reform by the end of this year.

Could you tell us about the advantages and challenges for you in your new position as NA Chairman?

I believe that I can successfully perform my duties, thanks to my previous experience in Government affairs. I used to be Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, and now I hold the position of NA Chairman. I will try my best to fulfill my assigned tasks.

What do you think about the East Sea situation? What measures are there to deal with this?

We want to ensure peace, friendship, and bilateral and multilateral cooperation for national development.

We take responsibility for defending our national sovereignty in accordance with international commitments and laws. Regarding the East Sea issue, we already have the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) from 1982 and the advance to the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

Vietnam and China have a traditional friendship for mutual development. Many issues have been successfully resolved, such as border landmarks and the Tonkin Gulf. The two countries should continue discussions within the common framework of the region and the world.

In his testament, late President Ho Chi Minh expressed his desire to strengthen national unity to build Vietnam into a peaceful, united, independent and prosperous nation that actively contributes to the revolutionary cause in the world with a view to ensuring peace.

Source: VOV

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