Sep 16, 2011

Vietnam - Female labourers seek earlier retirement

VietNamNet Bridge – The Institute of Workers and Trade Unions (IWTU) has proposed a more flexible regulation on the retirement age of female workers.

Following a retirement age survey, conducted in twelve cities and provinces, the institute suggested differentiating between retirement ages related to the manufacturing, trading and administrative sectors, according to Dr Dang Quang Dieu, Director of the IWTU.
Sixty-four percent out of 2,400 returned questionnaires approved the diversified classification of labour.
The retirement age for women is currently set at 55, a "one-size-fits-all" age deemed too rigid.
The survey showed that most female workers in the manufacturing and trading sectors preferred lower retirement ages.
Only 43 per cent of those interviewed wished to retire at 50 while 24 per cent preferred 45.
Han Mai Huong, deputy head of the women's committee of the Agriculture and Rural Development Trade Union, pointed out that female workers, accounting for 80 per cent of the seafood processing labour force, had to work standing up for twelve hours a day in humid and cold environments, causing widespread arthritis and oedema.
On the other hand, the administrative sector appeared content with the current retirement age of 55 with an approval rate of 47.3 per cent.
Meanwhile, 54 per cent of those interviewed agreed that the retirement age should be raised to 60 for female doctors, associate professors and professors.
The initiative was aimed at further guaranteeing labour rights while compensating for certain worker disadvantages, Dieu said.
However, according to Dieu, determining the retirement age for female workers is a complex task involving gender equality, the country's socio-economic development, demand and supply in the labour market, the characteristics of each profession and the national insurance budget.
In the manufacturing and trading sector, the IWTU suggested three different retirement ages: 55 for those with regular working conditions, 50 – 55 for those who have worked for at least 15 years in a hard, dangerous or poisonous environment and 47-50 for female labourers (of at least 15 years) in an extremely dangerous or poisonous environment.
According to ministerial regulations, jobs at textile, leather, ceramic or cement factories will come under the category of a "hard, dangerous or poisonous environment."
Fields characterised by an "extremely hard, dangerous or poisonous environment" include the mining, chemical, electrical, mechanical and transport industries.
On the contrary, the IWTU has advocated 58 as the new retirement age for most professions related to the administrative sector.
"Higher retirement ages for female workers in the admin sector means a monetary solution to the State's pension budget and a step closer to labour equality while taking full advantage of quality human resources."
VietNamNet/Viet Nam News

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