Sep 4, 2011

Vietnam - Special training mode allows incapable students to get university degrees?

A lot of universities have been found in exploiting the mode of training to seek money, by imposing sky high fees on the students who get low marks from university entrance exams.

Providing training services to orders is defined as the training in accordance with the agreements inked between universities and employers. The students who finish the training courses will get bachelor degrees, to be granted by the universities and work for the companies which sent students to the training courses.

However, in many cases, this is just a method for universities to collect money from students, for enrolment companies to earn brokerage fees, and for incapable students to get bachelor degrees like other normal students of the schools.

The enrolment companies

The ad pieces about enrolling students who register to study at universities as their second choice (the students who fail the exams to enter the registered universities, can register to study at other universities which require lower marks) now can be seen on a lot of websites. 

The ad pieces say that the students, who fail the 2011 entrance exams to universities, now can register to study at prestigious universities and obtain the universities’ degrees like other regular-training students. However, unlike the regular-training students, the students to be admitted under this mode of training will have to pay the tuitions to be negotiable between the involved parties

Especially, on, a website introduced as run by Dao Vu Company Ltd, one can see a lot of notices about the enrolment of students to many prestigious schools, such as the Finance Academy, Agriculture University, Trade University, Power University, the University of Mining and Geology, the University for Natural Resources and the Environment, and the Hanoi Industry University.

The noteworthy thing is that the enrolment is carried out by companies in cooperation with schools. For example, the Thanh Hoa Education and Training Investment and Development Joint Stock Company, shows that it joins forces with the University of Mining and Geology, Finance Academy, and the Hanoi Industry University to train 100 students to orders. The Hanoi Mechanical Engineering Company Ltd joins forces with the Trade University to train 50 students in accountancy major, and 50 students in finance and banking.

On August 9, acting as the students who want to enroll in the Trade University, Nguoi lao dong’s reporters met Dao Vu Dinh, A director of the Dao Vu Company at a tea shop on Trung Hoa Street in Cau Giay district in Hanoi. 

Dinh advised the “students” to register to study accountancy-auditing faculty or finance-banking faculty of the Trade University. Dinh said that the “students” need to pay the fee of 60 million dong to ensure to obtain a seat at the university, and that they must pay 30 million dong in advance. 

Meanwhile, the fee would be higher, about 70-80 million dong, if the students want to study at the more prestigious university – the Finance Academy.

When the students asked if graduates can be sure that they will get the jobs at the Hanoi Mechanical Engineering Company as introduced in the joint training program, Dinh said that graduates will have to look for jobs themselves. He explained that the commitment to use students after the graduation is just a commitment which facilitates the company to more easily get “training quotas”.

Who to enroll?

According to Nguoi lao dong, the mode of training to orders proves to be a good way for the students who fail the university entrance exams, to be able to study at universities and get bachelor degrees in a legal way. They have to pay higher fees than other normal regular-training students, but in this case, they still can buy degrees with their money.

It seems that the training mode can benefit all the three involved parties. Universities can earn more money by imposing high fees on learners; enrolment companies can get fees for introducing learners, while students can get bachelor degrees even though they cannot meet the requirements to follow higher education.

Source: NLD/ VNN

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