Oct 5, 2011

Singapore - NTU unveils Singapore's first humanoid robot

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has developed a humanoid robot called NASH, which stands for Nanyang Technological University Advanced Smart Humanoid.

According to NTU, it also has the beginnings of artificial intelligence. This means instead of just following orders, the machine can learn and adapt. Its inventor estimates that five more years is all it takes for it to blend into the everyday lives of humans.

But with so many robots out there, what makes NASH different?

It is the robot's "mind", according to its inventor, Associate Professor Xie Ming.

He said: "It is unique... (It has a) meaning-centric mind. It's a mind which enables the robot to learn language... (and) the physical meaning of the environment."

That makes NASH able to react to its surroundings, with a little help.

Associate Professor Xie Ming said the 1.8-metre tall robot can gesture, walk, climb stairs and follow verbal instructions, making it possibly the smartest humanoid robot in the world.

The researcher has worked on NASH, which has built-in sensors and cameras, for close to five years.

NASH is still a work-in-progress, thus many tweaks will have to be made. But part of the plan is to turn it into a mass market product for everyday use.

Associate Professor Gerald Seet, director of the Robotics Research Centre at NTU, said: "If it's sufficiently robust and fast enough, then... you could deploy it in place of any other human being. You could make it drive a car or maybe do an assembly task."

The estimated cost of mass-producing NASH is about S$200,000 per unit, so you will need some cash if you want NASH to take over your household chores in future.


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