Oct 4, 2011

Vietnam - Multi-billion dong cannot help attract students

VietNamNet Bridge – A lot of universities have spent tens of billions of dong to purchase expensive equipment for technique majors. However, the heavy investment still cannot help them attract more students.

A lot of non-state and local universities reportedly could not enroll enough students for technique majors, even though they tried to seek students among the ones who failed the entrance exams to other schools and had to register to study at less prestigious schools. Even state owned schools also complained that they could not find enough students for polytechnique faculties. 

The Hung Vuong University in HCM City is looking for 700 students, mostly for technique majors, which are always considered the most risky faculties with unstable numbers of students. Nguyen Thi Mai Binh, Head of the Training Division of the school, said that to date, the school had found 10 students for the construction technique major, 20 students for the information technology and 30 students for post-harvesting technologies.

The Van Hien University has enrolled only 20-30 students for each of technique majors. Therefore, it is still looking for 140 more information technology and electronic-communication techniques. 

Anticipating that it is very difficult to enroll students for the faculties, the school accepts B-group (mathematics, chemistry, biology) and D group (mathematics, literature, foreign languages) students as well (previously, only A-group students, i.e the ones who took mathematics, physics and chemistry exams were accepted). However, this has not helped much in seeking students.

On September 30, Dr Nguyen Thien Tong, Headmaster of the Cuu Long people founded University, said the school had to stop training in mechanical engineering and electronic technique majors, because the school has only 10 students for each major.

Even state owned schools also complain they are facing too many difficulties in enrolling students for some majors. The HCM City Transport University, the HCM City University of Technique Education and the HCM City University of Industry accept the students who just need to have the floor marks from the summer university entrance exams (the floor mark is the minimum mark students must have to be eligible for applying to any university). However, despite the low requirements, they still have not found enough students.

Big investment, small number of students

The heavy investment in equipments and teaching aids, and the modest results have caused a headache to schools.

Dr Do Van Dung, Deputy President of the HCM City University of Technique Education, said that every year, the school spends more than 10 billion dong to purchase equipments that serve the students’ practice hours. The equipments for the food chemistry alone cost 8 billion dong, while the school has to spend nearly 10 billion dong for the equipments and machines for the training in printing technology.

“We do not know when we can recover the investment capital. Students still turn their back to technique majors, even though the tuitions are not high,” Dung complained.

Mai Binh from the Hung Vuong University has also said that the school had just spent 500 million dong to buy equipment for the information technology faculty. The school spends 500-600 million dong per year to upgrade the equipment for tech majors, but it seems to be a big waste, because the majors do not have students.

Hard job, low salary

Explaining the indifference of students to tech majors, schools believe that people nowadays do not want to take the hard jobs which cannot bring high income.

Finance & banking and economics-relating majors prove to be the biggest choice for students nowadays, because they believe that the workers in the fields can earn much money even though they do not have to work hard and make big efforts.

However, educators have warned that technique and technology should be seen as the foundation for the country’s sustainable development. If all students flock to follow economics studies, this would lead to an imbalance in the labor force. Therefore, they have called on the state to apply special policies, offering preferences to encourage students to follow the majors.

Kim Chi

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