Nov 20, 2011

ASEAN - Asean arts, culture must be cherished

BALI, Indonesia - The recently signed Asean Declaration on Cultural Diversity: Towards Strengthening Asean Community, is an important document as it recognises the right for citizens of the region to conserve their cultural and artistic heritage, Brunei's Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports said at the 19th Asean Summit and Related Summits in Bali, Indonesia.

Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Lela Diraja Dato Seri Setia Hj Hazair Hj Abdullah, who represented Brunei for the signing of the agreement, said that culture and arts must be developed and defended as culture is the source of a country's image that also leads towards forming the principle of life of the citizens.

A government press release stated yesterday that the minister believed the Declaration would enhance awareness and drive the Asean community towards unity and integration.

Speaking at the Retreat Session of the Asean Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) prior to the signing ceremony, Pehin Dato Hj Hazair also stressed that an immediate measure should be implemented to realise the Declaration although initial work could be done modestly.

The Minister touched on the role of youths and the importance of their involvement for them to appreciate their own culture so that the civilisation of Asean would always be respected in this era of globalisation.

He also emphasised the need for cooperation with sectoral bodies to promote cultural products, which would be able to bring about socio-economic benefits that should enhance the development of small and medium scale cultural enterprises.

The Retreat Session was held at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel here in Bali and was chaired by Dr Ir Mohammad Nuh, DEA. Indonesia's Minister of Education and Culture.

The session was held to prepare for the signing ceremony of Asean Declaration on Cultural Unity in Diversity: Towards Strengthening the Asean Community and provided an opportunity for the relevant ministers to make some assessment and approach in developing measures appropriate to implement the plans outlined in the Declaration.

Fitri Shahminan
The Brunei Times/Asia News Network

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