Dec 3, 2011

Australia - Clear e-health compliance laws a must: IDC

MARKET analyst IDC warns of the need for clearer compliance laws for healthcare records, and says Australia will set the standard for the region.

Sash Mukherjee, senior analyst for IDC Health Insights Asia/Pacific, says the region has experienced dynamic growth in health IT spending in the past year, but laws relating to data security, privacy and access have not been updated to reflect the new realities.

“In fact, there are no laws specific to health records in most countries in the region,” he said.

“As Australia’s personally controlled e-health record project develops, citizens’ health records will be taken out of the traditional, controlled environments.

“As such, there is a need for clearer compliance laws.”

Mr Mukherjee said Australia had “made attempts” to upgrade the laws protecting health data.

“But as the full potential of its nationwide e-health initiatives unfolds, there will be a greater need to upgrade and finetune these laws,” he said.

“We envisage that Australia will demonstrate to the region the significance of healthcare-specific compliance laws in the coming year.”

Most countries will not attempt national e-health record systems.

“As the hype settles, each country will evaluate their individual health digitisation needs and choose to address them in different ways,” Mr Mukherjee said.

“Clinicians and IT administrators are aligned in their demands for e-health records implementations, data management tools, security solutions and integrated analytics.”

Technology vendors will be encouraged to collaborate with partners and healthcare providers, to “find creative solutions” to the unique needs of the industry.

“Healthcare providers, however, will need to take into account their size, budget and resources before investing in IT projects,” he said.

One common theme is the use of mobile solutions to improve patient safety, point-of-care access to patient information, and for clinical decision support.

“Expenditure on mobility will also manifest itself through investments in telemedicine for remote care, and mobile applications for personal health management,” Mr Mukherjee said.

KAREN DEARNE From: Australian IT

IDC releases its Asia/Pacific Healthcare 2012 Top 10 Predictions report today.

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