Dec 17, 2011

Sri Lanka - Cancer Hospital blamed for killing Sri Lankan villagers

Waste containing radioactive particles released from the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama (Cancer Hospital) was responsible for cancers among the villagers living in its vicinity, the Western Provincial Council's Environment Ministry revealed yesterday.

Provincial Environment Minister Udaya Gammanpila said that of about 96 deaths that had occurred in in Godigamuwa area of Maharagama, where the hospital waste dump was situated during the last five years, 47 were due to cancer, according to a survey conducted by the Sri Jayawardenapura University.

The Minister said his ministry had decided to commission a survey following a large number of complaints from the people living in the vicinity of the cancer hospital that hospital waste was not properly managed.

"The director of the hospital claimed that the number of cancer patients in the area had increased as most of them were living around the hospital to receive treatment" Gammanpila said adding they decided to conduct a survey to find out the real cause.

Department of Forestry and Environment of the Sri Jayawardenapura University's Applied Sciences Faculty conducted the survey among 500 householders in the area covering the adjacent Grama Niladari divisions, namely Godigamuwa North, Godigamuwa South (A), Godigamuwa South (B) and Wattegedara of the Maharagama Divisional Secretariat divisions. Among the 500 households 92% were permanent residents of the area.

According to Gammanpila, 96 persons had died in the area during the last five years and of them 47% died of cancer.

The WPC minister said that 70% of them had been residents of the area for over 20 years.

"Out of 33 cancer deaths 21 were recorded from the GN division Godigamuwa South (B), which is directly affected by the cancer hospital waste," he said.

Gammanpila said that according to the findings of the study, the cancer hospital should dispose of waste matter without endangering people's lives.

Another study conducted by the National Atomic Energy Authority had also found some radioactive elements in two wells and a paddy field in the area, the minister said.

He said that his ministry had reported the matter to Health Minister Maithreepala Sirisena, who promised to take immediate action.

Dasun Edirisinghe
The Island

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