Dec 16, 2011

Vietnam - Infighting wrecks private universities

Internal strife has been ruining the education environment at local private universities where economic interests, instead of teaching or other educational issues, now dominate attention.

“Our board meetings have never been centered on education or the school’s development plans, but on financial issues instead,” says Nguyen Ngoc, chairman of the board of directors at Phan Chau Trinh University, based in the central province of Quang Nam.

Ngoc’s title stems from the fact that the executive level of many private universities in Vietnam is organized in a way which is similar to that of a joint stock company.

Some board members have repeatedly alleged that Ngoc and the school’s president caused internal unrest before the latter agreed to step down in June.

Similarly, many shareholders at Gia Dinh University, located in Ho Chi Minh City, were recently stuck in bitter disagreement with certain board members and school management officials.

They protested that these high-ranking officials had not supplied financial accounts, while the supervisory board reported losses and even fiscal wrongdoing.

The school underwent a complicated personnel reshuffle as a result.

In another example of infighting, power struggles at the Ho Chi Minh City Junior College of Information Technology have been waged ever since the school was established in 2001.

School employees and management have repeatedly filed appeals against each other in recent years, and even wrestled to buy its shares to gain control of the university.

Similar problems have also arisen at other HCMC-based schools, like the Saigon College of Economics and Technology (SAIMETE), Van Hien University, and Hung Vuong University, where interior bickering appears endless.


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