Dec 6, 2011

Vietnam - Vietnam real estate market eagerly await inward remittances

Inward remittance flow at the year end is seen as the sole hope of real estate investors as all channels of capital mobilization for projects are almost getting stuck, Vietnam Economic Times reported.

Property investors are trying to survive by waiting for a new capital flow which is expected to feed the unmoved projects because of capital shortage.

The expectation is reasonable because Vietnam is one of the highest remittance recipients in the world. Moreover, in the gloomy air of finance and stock market, a part of overseas remittance to Vietnam may be invested in property.

Data of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) showed that despite the world economy remains difficult, the amount of inward remittances to Vietnam during this year continues increasing sharply. In the first three quarters of 2011, the amount averaged at approximately $2.5 billion per quarter.

In the whole year, the country’s inward remittance is estimated at around $8.5 billion, $500 million higher than 2010.

Reportedly in November by World Bank and Western Union Asia-Pacific, four million Vietnamese overseas are living, working and studying in 101 nations, including 400,000 exported workers. Vietnam was ranked in top 10 remittance recipients in the world.

With these data, the property investors are expecting a new capital source to boost the uncompleted projects based on the National Finance Supervision Committee’s latest survey showing that 4,000 households received remittances, and 52% of the amount was invested in real estate and the remainder was kept in savings and consumption.

Experts said, while the gold and US dollar markets are not favourite investment channels any more, the stock market also is going down. Especially, as banks were forced to apply the ceiling deposit rate of 14% pa, a large amount of deposits was withdrawn from the banking system. It is forecasted that a part of the deposits were re-invested in the property market.

However, according to statistics of WB, up to 90% of overseas remittances are flowing to rural areas where the workers came from. Therefore, Vu Tuan Hung—Director of Thinh Phat Construction Co said, investors of condominium projects in big cities will be hard to benefit from the overseas remittance.

Only a small part of the remittance may be sent to banks or invested in some channels by relatives of overseas senders.

Since 2010, the number of Vietnamese overseas registering to buy houses in homeland has declined. But, in fact, the number of relatives of Vietnamese overseas registering to purchase properties is increasing.

Director of Archi Invest Nguyen Thanh Nam was quoted as saying that his firm is expecting much in overseas remittances at the end of this year. To head off the new wind, Archi Invest decided to open the sale of the Nine Ivory resort project in Ba Vi Dist (Hanoi) to meet the remittance recipients’ demand of long-term investment.


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