Jan 4, 2012

Singapore - Govt intends to accept recommended wage cuts : PM Lee

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the government intends to accept the recommendations of the Committee set up to review the salaries of political appointment holders.

The Committee's 
 is entitled "Salaries for a Capable and Committed Government."

Replying to Mr Gerard Ee following the submission of his team's report, Mr Lee said the government will publish the report as a White Paper and move a motion in Parliament on 16 January to adopt it as a basis for setting political salaries.

In his letter, the Prime Minister stressed that the issue of salaries is a complex and difficult one, with major implications for the future of Singapore.

Mr Lee said he's grateful the Committee has invested the time to undertake a comprehensive and careful review, based on fundamental principles and the long term interests of the country.

The Committee has also sought and considered a wide range of feedback from Singaporeans, with diverse views and expectations, and the final recommendations have benefited from these inputs, as well as the experience and judgement of the committee members.

Mr Lee noted that the committee had to strike a balance between attracting capable and committed leaders of integrity, strengthening links with the country's socio-economic progress and reinforcing the ethos of political service.

- CNA/ck

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