Jan 22, 2012

Singapore - Govt to grow families as first line of support amid economic uncertainty

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said the government is strengthening Singapore's social safety nets to help more families in need, amid global economic uncertainty.

But families must remain the first line of support. 

In his Lunar New Year message on Sunday, Mr Lee said the Government will always help to nurture strong families in Singapore.

One important priority is to grow families and reduce the anxieties and burdens of starting a family.

The cries for more babies may well be heard in the Year of the Dragon.

Mr Lee said some Chinese families prefer to have "Dragon" children, as they believe they are smarter, more successful or lucky. Others have more specific reasons, he noted. 

"For example, one mother-to-be waited for over two years to have a "Dragon" baby whose zodiac sign would be compatible with her first son (an "Ox"), herself ("Rooster") and her husband ("Dragon")," said Mr Lee. 

Maternity wards are preparing for this.

And Mr Lee said he is "fervently" hoping for a baby windfall ... to reverse Singapore's low fertility rate of 1.2.

"Singapore's Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has been steadily dropping from 1.60 in 2000 to 1.20 in 2011, despite many Government measures to encourage couples to have more children. This is especially true for Chinese Singa­poreans, whose TFR has dropped from 1.43 to 1.08 over the same period. Singa­pore's TFR picked up slightly in 2011 (1.20), compared to 2010 (1.15), but I do not think we have reversed the long-term downward trend," said Mr Lee.

But Mr Lee said tradition aside, the reasons behind every couple's decision to have a child are more fundamental.

And these will have to be addressed - to preserve a core of Singaporeans in society, instead of relying on immigration.

"We should ... look at more fundamental factors to encourage Singaporeans to have more children. This is critical to preserve a Singapore core in our society. We do not want to rely more and more heavily on immigration, nor do we want to see our population shrinking year by year," said Mr Lee.

Mr Lee recognises that having children is a personal choice, and stresses that the government will do its part.

There are grants and measures to help families juggle parenthood and work, and young couples get priority when buying their first home.

What is needed now is a supportive social climate that will nudge couples into having more babies.

Mr Lee said what is key are their confidence in Singapore's stability and future, and a peace of mind that their children will grow up in a safe and stable society.

"The critical factor now is not more financial incentives, but creating the supportive social climate and attitudes that will encourage couples to have more children. Parents want the peace of mind that their children will grow up in a safe and stable environment. They want to be sure that their children will inherit a better Singapore than the one they themselves knew," said Mr Lee.

Mr Lee said this is an objective the government shares - that society remains inclusive and meritocratic, and that every child has the chance to fulfil his aspirations.

Growing families is a priority for the government because they are seen as the first line of support in times of hardship. 

Mr Lee said this is even more critical in the world today, where globalisation has brought about increased episodes of turbulence. There are already signs that the Dragon year is not going to be smooth-sailing, with Singapore's economy expected to grow just 1 to 3 per cent.

Mr Lee said the government will help families which encounter difficulties. It will also do more to help Singaporeans help themselves, and create more opportunities for them to succeed.

- CNA/de

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