Jan 21, 2012

Vietnam - Because of the poverty, PhDs leave research institutes

VietNamNet Bridge – With the familiar humor and intimacy, Professor Nguyen Lan Dung, a well known Vietnamese scientists, met with scientists at the second congress of the Scientific Association of human resources development in Vietnam in January and shared stories about how to use talents.

Juniors’ wages must not be higher than seniors’?

Dung said that he knows a PhD who returned to Vietnam from North America. The local authorities of a big city in Vietnam invited him to work there and offered the salary of 1000 dollars a month. This was really a high salary if compared with the salaries of other civil servants, but was not high if compared with the pays offered by foreign groups.

However, the PhD found it very difficult to work in the city, simply because he was “boycotted” by the colleagues. This made him unable to cooperate with the colleagues. Why? Because he just returned from an overseas training course, and he had not had any contribution to the city’s development. Meanwhile, his salary was still five times higher than the salaries of the people, who were once his teachers several years ago.

“The salaries of juniors must be higher than the salaries of seniors. This is the thought of Vietnamese people, though this is not a surprise at all in the world,” Dung said.

Meanwhile, employers should not pay salaries after considering the degrees of the employers, but pay for the efficiency of the works the employees can fulfill. In order to do that, the employers need to find out how high the qualifications the employees have in order to assign them work and pay them money.

Dung has urged the Scientific Association for Human Resource Development to consider drawing up the policy on using talents.

Every year, the National Assembly allocates the budget of 600 million dollars to the scientific development. However, no one can see with their eyes the scientific achievements, and no one can say for sure how the money has been spent.

“How has the budget allocation for scientific research been allocated? If the budget has been allocated in an ineffective way?” Dung questioned.

He has affirmed that 600 million dollars could be a modest sum of money for other developed countries, but it has much significance for a developing country like Vietnam.

Dung related that he began setting up the foundation and developed the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology under the Hanoi National University with just 3 million dollars from the State budget. Meanwhile, the institute now can join international cooperation effectively, while it has made the achievements which can directly serve the production.

The leaders of the institute are brainstorming to try to set up a pilot workshop which can makes products itself, which will allow to increase the modest income of the intellectuals who are working for the institute. If the plan fails, intellectuals would leave the institute. Analysts have also warned that with unreasonable pay, ,big economic groups and companies would lure all the talents from universities and research institutes.

PhDs leave research institutes, because they want to be rich

“I once advised a PhD to stay to work for a research institute for some more time, saying that a lot of people had to undertake his works while he left for the training course. However, he said that he was too poor and he needed to take full advantage of the opportunity,” Dung recalled.

“It is really very difficult to invite talented people to Vietnam, if you just offer them the most pay of 200 dollars. Meanwhile, in foreign countries, they can earn 3000-4000 dollars,” Dung said

In fact, not all the Vietnamese students want to stay in foreign countries. A lot of them want to return to Vietnam. However, they need to have two conditions to work in Vietnam. First, their income needs to be high enough for their lives. Second, they need good working conditions which allows them to use the trained knowledge. 

However, Dung admitted that it is very difficult to satisfy the two requirements.

Nha Uyen

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