Feb 24, 2012

Canada - The solution

So western society is in decline. The Canadian dream is becoming but a myth. Here Ontario we are about to face a huge downturn in the economy the likes of which have never been seen. Healthcare is on life support, a education system in decline. Job losses in the tens of thousands on the horizon.

What can we do??

Some say we have outpriced ourselves which is why companies seek offshore operations. Some say its a redistribution of wealth to other parts pf the world. While there is some truth to both of these statements the reality is far worse.

Basically at the rate we are going this redistribution of wealth can only go so long before a total system collapse will take place. The reason for this is that while manufacturing sectors have gone to offshore operations north America is still the number one consumer of these goods. Many countries such as china and India who have seen a huge increase of jobs aren't as well of as we think they are. While the companies who operate in these regions are making a fortune their workers are not. The people making your goods aren't the ones purchasing them. These people work 16 hour days, seven days a week just to have a lifestyle that is not comparable to someone receiving social assistance in north America. This is why immigrants come to north America In droves, to escape oppressive working conditions and extreme poverty.

Basically once north Americans no longer have the money to sustain themselves anymore or buy their products the entire system fails. If the working class in Asia cannot afford to fill the consumer void then nobody will be able to.

Now how do we get these jobs back?? Well the truth is we probably can't. Unless of course we accept the kinds of wages they do in the countries who currently manufacture goods. Which alot of short sighted people say is a fair trade off. The reality is however that our society simply has a higher cost of living. Even the things that we consider basic human rights, like food. Mind you in some of these other countries there are no such things as human rights.

At the end of the day we simply cannot afford to have a welfare state. The cost of running basic things like emergency services, healthcare, education, the justice system would simply be too high especially if we were to accept wages and conditions on par with that of china and India. We would basically have to become a third world country.

Does it have to be this way??? Absolutely not. Many people have a variety of ideas to fix our system that would work however only temporarily. As long as large global community corporations have countries they cannoperate in where they don't have to pay tax, have fair working conditions or have any kind of responsibility they will continue this cycle endlessly.

So what's the solution?? We have to start exporting to the rest of the world what made western society so great to begin with. Freedom, healthcare, workers rights etc. And I'm not talking about the kind of freedom that the us govt tried to administer in the middle east either. We need to give their people the power to stand up and ask for the same freedoms we enjoy here in the western world.

Impossible you say! Keep in mind we went through this in our own society during the industrial revolution. Workers had no rights and were paid nothing. Once labour movements were started it all turned around. Say what you will about labour movements, they were instrumental in giving us the freedom we enjoy in society today. Now while many might argue that they no longer have any use because we have what we want and there's nothing left to fight for, you may be right. I do think though that they have a place in areas of the world that are going through the EXACT SAME phase we went though during our industrial revolution. The growth they are experiencing, it all mirrors what tookbplace back then in western society. They are just slightly behind us is all. We had the good fortune of vast resources and technological advancements at our disposal. They only recently have had access to this through globalization.

So labour movements and other social movements are the only logical next step in the modernization of their society. Once this happens the companies who have used them to make vast fortunes will no longer be safe. They will have to pay them better wages, benefits and treat them fair. Once they realize that they cannot enslave certain peoples to make a dime off of others then the power will return to us once again.

If any of you think this is crazy or off the wall consider this. Why do we call things basic human rights in our society, meaning that er should all have access to them, but keep it all for ourselves?? This is why many countries dontnlike western society, we have human rights that we have fought for but in their eyes never thought to include them. This is why our society is falling apart. Too short sighted to see that we couldn't go on like this forever. Did we honestly think that only a select few countries would enjoy a golden age indefinitely while more than 60% of the world did not?? This didn't make sense to me as a kid and it still doesn't make sense to me now.

The Sudbury Star

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