Myanmar, Thailand (IRIN) – Lack of access
to reproductive health services in Myanmar has led to high rates of maternal
deaths and unplanned pregnancies among the country’s displaced, migrant and
refugee populations, say health experts.
“There are huge unmet reproductive health
needs for contraceptives, family planning, and access to skilled birth
attendants,” said Priya Manwell, the UN Population Fund’s (UNFPA) humanitarian
response coordinator for the Asia Pacific region.
Populations that are on the run or outside
their home countries are often unable to gain access to reproductive
healthcare, say health workers.
Without skilled birth attendants or contraception,
complications from unsafe abortions and post-partum hemorrhage are common along
the Thai-Burmese border, where there are more than 150,000 Burmese refugees,
according to a new report by the international NGO, Ibis Reproductive Health.
“In Burma, the sad state of reproductive
health… [bars] far too many, especially mobile populations, including migrants,
refugees, and IDPs, from accessing appropriate, timely, and basic health
services,” Vit Suwanvanichkij, a research associate at the US-based Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told IRIN.
Nationwide, only 37 percent of women gave
birth with a trained birth attendant in 2007, according to the most recent
government data reported to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Displaced people in Myanmar’s east face “a
health disaster”, with a maternal mortality rate (MMR) of 721 deaths per
100,000 live births – three times the national average of 240 – , according to
a 2010 NGO-collaborative report, Diagnosis Critical .
Some 10 percent of Myanmar’s national MMR has
been traced to unsafe abortions.
“A lack of safe, legal abortion creates
conditions where women in both eastern Burma and Thailand are likely to either
self-abort or engage untrained providers who may use methods likely to cause
harm or even death,” said Cari Siestra, co-author of Ibis Reproductive Health’s
recent report.
The lack of health infrastructure in eastern
Myanmar has led to frequent reproductive complications from preventable
illnesses, such as malaria, which is “the number-one killer of pregnant women”,
said Suwanvanichkij.
“Malnutrition, malaria, and repeat pregnancies
without adequate birth spacing all impact [on] women’s ability to carry
pregnancies, even wanted ones, to term,” added Sietstra.
Overall health challenges include a shortage
of workers, investment and proper infrastructure, San San Myint, a national
technical officer and reproductive health specialist at the WHO country office
in Myanmar, told IRIN.
“Reproductive health coverage is [available in
fewer than] 150 townships out of 325 townships. The main problem is funding and
geographical barriers.”
Reproductive health improves for refugees on
the Thai side of the border, who have better access to trained providers,
according to Sietstra.
But Thailand’s estimated two million Burmese
migrant workers , are often reluctant to seek medical assistance.
“Undocumented Burmese migrants are hesitant to
access services because of their immigration status,” said Jaime Calderon, the
Southeast Asia regional health migration adviser at the International
Organization for Migration office in Bangkok.
This is compounded by providers’
discriminatory policies, language constraints and inability to pay, say health
workers along the border.
“Put this awful constellation of
vulnerabilities together and the result is that far too many women again are
sickened, disabled, or die from preventable causes, such as complications of
pregnancy and abortions,” said Suwanvanichkij.
While Myanmar’s recent political reforms have
the potential to translate into better care if there is long-term investment in
the health system, “we still need to address the immediate needs of people
urgently”, said Taweesap Sirapapasiri, UNFPA’s program officer for Thailand.
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