Feb 14, 2012

Singapore - Asian nations 'won't want to take sides' in a Sino-US row

If tensions between China and the United States were to escalate, Asian countries would not want to have to choose sides, Singapore's Minister of State for Defence Lawrence Wong said yesterday.

So both powers should continue to build a balanced and constructive partnership to maintain stability in the Asia-Pacific region, Wong told the Asia-Pacific Security Conference.

One dominant and recurring theme at yesterday's meeting was the impact of China's rise on the US, which recently decided to 'pivot' to the Asia-Pacific. The move includes stationing Marines in Australia and accelerating a regional trade pact.

Wong said that both Washington and Beijing had embraced the concept of a 'constructive partnership' in global affairs.

However, there are potential stress points ranging from sensitive trade to security issues. And because of the leadership transition in both countries this year, their relationship might be further complicated by domestic pressures or political posturing, the minister added.

"In such an environment, it is easy for words or actions to inadvertently raise the temperature, and result in an unintended escalation of tensions between the two major powers, China and America," he said. "Asian countries will be forced to choose sides, which none want to do."

Wong added: "If the US and China can accommodate each other on a broad range of issues, the prospects for stability in the Asia-Pacific will be greatly increased."

In his wide-ranging speech to some 250 military delegates and academics yesterday, Wong also called on Asia-Pacific countries to build closer ties through dialogue and defence cooperation using platforms such as the Asean Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus, or ADMM-Plus, grouping.

Wong's remarks on Sino-US relations came on the back of Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam's comments during his visit to the US last week that the antagonistic rhetoric towards China among parts of the American establishment and media was a mistake that could give rise to unintended problems in the region.

Retired Chinese Rear-Admiral Yang Yi said China and US should maintain stable relations. "We do not want to challenge US dominance in the world and in the region," said the director of the Institute for Strategic Study at the People's Liberation Army National Defence University.

US Pacific Air Forces commander Gary North said that it would be important for the US to build up its relationship with Asia-Pacific countries so 'they can help us understand the Chinese thinking, just like how it's important for them to help the Chinese to understand how we think'.

Jermyn Chow
The Straits Times

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