Feb 14, 2012

Singapore - Those who break the law will face strict enforcement: Law Minister

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law, K. Shanmugam, said that Singapore is committed to the rule of law, but noted that their application must be adapted to each society.

Speaking in his keynote address at the Rule of Law Symposium on Tuesday at the Supreme Court auditorium, he noted that those who break the law will have action taken against them - no matter that the offender is a Cabinet Minister, a senior civil servant, or a public official of a lower rank, or from the private sector.

Touching on corruption, Mr Shanmugam said that Singapore has tried to minimise the occurrence of these incidents by carefully selecting people to hold top and civil positions.

However, he said that there will still be people who do wrong in every system and society. And when that happens, the system must be able to follow up with effective, strict enforcement. And if public servants were involved, there would even be harsh enforcement. He did not refer to any specific case.

Mr Shanmugam added: "That way, everyone knows that the likelihood is very high, of being caught and dealt with.

"And when you have a system operating like that, when offenders are caught and dealt with severely and there is a culture of intolerance towards corruption, then what you get is a relatively clean system."

On how Singapore makes exception to due process, Mr Shanmugam cited the example of the Internal Security Act (ISA).

He said that the Act allows for decisive, preventive detention, without trial, on grounds of national security, something that criminal law does not provide for since it only covers punishment after the deed is done.

While he admitted that it is open to abuse, there are built-in safeguards to minimise this, such as informing detainees of the reason for their detention as soon as possible and opportunities to make representation to an advisory board comprising of a person qualified to be Supreme Court Judge, appointed by the Chief Justic and two other members appointed by the President, within three months of being detained.

Mr Shanmugam concluded by saying that Singapore is committed to continually improving the rule of law in Singapore.


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