Feb 15, 2012

Vietnam - Vietnam needs tourism police

In many countries, beggars and swindling sellers exist but no one clings to tourists, asks with insistence or threatens them until they buy like in Vietnam.

This problem has been present at several tourist attractions for a long time and has become a trait of tourism in Vietnam.

Local authorities have seen the harm it does to the tourism industry, and have tried to prevent and terminate it but everything goes back to usual after a short time. The Vietnamese National Administration of Tourism and local tourism sectors have held several conferences to discuss causes and seek resolutions to the problem but an effective remedy has yet to be found.

Hoi An authorities used to do very well in controlling vendors and preventing them from following and ripping off tourists. Consequently, those travelling to the Old Town felt very secure and comfortable. However, when supervision became lax, the problem returned.
Ho Chi Minh City offers security guards to protect tourists but they are neither supported by the city’s laws nor equipped with the adequate tools to settle troubles. Although seeing a crowd of hawkers besieging tourists and forcing them to buy, guards standing nearby cannot do much.

Thailand has a force of tourism police who take records, act in emergency cases to protect tourists and ensure security and safety. As a part of the police department, they have rights and tools to repress and handle violations. Due to clear policies, Thai police can fine beggars or sellers, take them to jail or sue them in court. They also can issue heavy penalties to tour guides who do not wear a certified card.

In my opinion, Vietnam needs tourism police to remedy the clinging, begging and rip offs. The force can be set up from local criminal police and they can receive an extra salary under a form of tourism development fund contributed to by tourism companies.
I think it’s time we put an end to the situation that has been maintained for a long time throughout the country. The Ministry of Public and Security, the Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism should join forces and solve this problem completely.

Nguyen Quoc Ky (General Director at Vietravel)

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