Brunei's Narcotics
Control Bureau (NCB) will soon include cyber cafes as one of the venues where
it will be increasing its effort to raise awareness among the public on the
dangers of drugs and drug trafficking.
The Minister of Energy Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel
(Rtd) Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar further added that a book,
containing true stories of drug syndicate victims who have been detained
overseas, will also be released.
Currently, NCB is utilising various media tools to create awareness
about drugs, the minister said adding that these tools include print media,
radio, television, new media and reminders on public transport, signages at
airport and control post.
The soon-to-be implemented strategy at cyber cafes was disclosed in
response to Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Imam Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj
Abdul Hamid Bakal's inquiry on what proactive steps are being taken by the NCB
to ensure that Bruneians are not turned into drug mules.
YB Pehin Dato Hj Mohd Yasmin said that there are two strategies which
have been carried out by NCB to combat the drug syndicates from deceiving
Bruneian citizens through increasing awareness among the public and also on its
operational side.
He said the strategy of raising awareness is aimed to widely
disseminate important facts and information on drug syndicates.
This is to prevent citizens from being duped by these syndicates, as it
details on their modus operandi, tactics used to lure victims, such as women by
forming a relationships with victims through the internet.
He said that some of the plans that will soon be implemented this year
as part of that NCB strategy includes cooperating with businesses such as cyber
cafes, where each PC will display warning notices on the threat of
international drug syndicates and reminder not to abuse the internet.
The NCB will also work with mobile phone service providers to send out
text messages whilst also working with the state television, RTB, to promote
anti-drug messages.
The minister said that currently six such promotions are being aired.
Bruneian citizens working or studying overseas are also given reminders
on international drug syndicates and the threats they pose, through Brunei
embassies in respective countries.
Meanwhile, he said, the NCB will continue to deliver messages on these
syndicates through lectures and briefings.
"It is important that any information on international drug
syndicates is well known and understood among the public to make them aware of
the dangers of forming a relationship through the internet without knowing the
background of the person beforehand," said the minister.
In response to YB Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Abdul Hamid's inquiry on border
control to prevent drug smugglers from entering the country, the Minister said
that through the NCB's operational strategy, information is exchanged with
Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division, Royal Malaysian Police Force and
Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) in Singapore on international drug syndicates.
This, he said, will enable NCB to learn the methods and the strategies
used by its counterparts on the current issue of international drug syndicates
by collecting information on locals who frequently travel out of the country,
especially those who travel alone.
He said that foreigners from risk prone countries arriving to Brunei
will be monitored through profiling, inspecting their bags and observing where
they live during their entire stay in Brunei.
The minister also said that CNB will also form close relations with
agencies in the Asia Pacific region such as Australian agencies, the Interpol
and the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Syazwan Sadikin
The Brunei Times
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