Mar 31, 2012

India - A bright future beckons for Storage Virtualization

According to Storage Virtualization players, Storage Virtualization is one of the most exciting technologies today and has a very bright future in the offing.

Albeit, at this point of time, the technology is actively being considered by most enterprise customers but it will continue to impress in future also.

Storage is strictly speaking a horizontal solution and equally relevant across all verticals. The verticals that are the biggest consumers of storage are Telecom, BFSI, IT/ITES, Media and Government.
Off lately, almost all the companies are looking to consolidate their existing IT infrastructure system and are constantly implementing new technologies to build a dynamic IT infrastructure. Storage Virtualization is one of such latest technologies which are being adopted extensively by the organizations these days to build an IT infrastructure which is dynamic in nature.

Storage Virtualization virtualizes small mass of storage from a relatively bigger and multiple storage systems and in turn enables the tasks of archiving, backup and recovery more efficiently with minimized time.

We at ITVAR NEWS spoke to some of the vendors to get an insight of current status and the future of Storage Virtualization market.

Storage Virtualisation technology starting to gain foothold 

Subroto Das, Vice President-Storage Business- IBM India & South Asia, said, “Organizations are facing problems of under-utilization of their storage resources.  Storage Virtualization solutions allows organization to achieve greater storage utilization.

Companies can reduce costs associated with support and maintenance via virtualization. Further, its scalable design allows adding new devices based on organizations' requirements. India has been one of the first and one of the leading countries to adopt virtualization.

We recommend the use of Virtualization technologies in storage across the entire space of our engagement and product offerings i.e. enterprise, midrange and entry level storage”. Moving further and informing about the Company’s current focal points in Storage Virtualization offerings, he commented, “We recommend the use of Virtualization technologies in storage across the entire space of our engagement and product offerings i.e. enterprise, midrange and entry level storage.

The focus at this point is on the midrange via the Storwize V7000 Unified storage box which is a virtualized storage device that provides enterprise class functionality at midrange price points”. Commenting further about the verticals that Company plans to target with their offerings, ITVAR NEWS was informed that IBM has a range of offerings best suited for various verticals.

We target Telecommunications, Banking, BFSI, IT, ITES, Retail, Government, Media and Entertainment, Insurance and Healthcare industries to name a few. Lastly, on being asked about the new/emerging technologies they expect to see in Storage Virtualization in the next 3-5 years, he said, “Storage virtualization is fairly new concept, more so among Indian enterprises.

Organizations are only now beginning to understand its impact through early adopters. It is early days for us to get deep into the variations that one could expect to see within this technology. However, there is definitely a huge interest an immense potential. Our philosophy in all that we offer in this area would be customer-centric. IBM storage systems are aligned with customers’ business goals and lead directly to positive outcomes.

Storage virtualization will be the urgent need of the future

Bobby Mon, Head, Enterprise Business, SMB, Dell India, gave ITVAR NEWS an insight about the current status and the future of Storage Virtualization market. Regarding this, he said, “Storage virtualization will be the urgent need of the future.

The technology is emerging fast onto the enterprise scene for good reasons. In many cases, it can reduce the management burdens associated with storage; and offer better models for datacenter migrations, back up and disaster recovery.

As consumer requirements are increasing, more applications are coming into play because of which, managing everyday storage needs is getting more and more complex. Here is where storage virtualization will come into play. 

Organizations are inadvertently duplicating their data almost all the time. Different departments are looking at one huge chunk of data and are using it to fulfill their respective needs but are also creating, multiplying and reproducing several copies of the same data.

Moreover, for regulatory compliance, archiving data is critical, which means maintaining copies of data. Hence, storage requirements are increasing exponentially. This makes a strong case for technologies like storage virtualization”.

Informing further about the verticals targeted by the Company, he said, “Verticals like BFSI are aggressively expanding their core banking solutions, and added and connected new branches, thus creating a second storage buying wave. Pure play storage-only vendors garnered good client wins here.

Shifting of application functions into storage systems and making them "application-aware" emerged as one of the biggest opportunities, as well as a challenge, for the storage industry in the next several years. Customers increasingly demanded storage solutions rather than just storage hardware.

Tiered storage became a widely accepted concept and gained further acceptance by virtue of its ability to lower the capital costs of storage infrastructure and the ongoing operational costs”.

Talking further about the way company looks at the Storage Virtualization segment in India as well as on a global front, he commented, “The application of virtualization technologies is having a dramatic effect on how today’s computing infrastructures are deployed and managed.

By abstracting software environments, application workloads, and data structures from the underlying physical hardware, organizations are reducing costs, increasing their IT flexibility and agility, and gaining productivity through simplification. Consolidated storage is a key requirement of virtual infrastructures, making it a core consideration when designing the virtual data center for today and for the future. Rigid, complex storage solutions can undermine the benefits organizations are trying to achieve, deterring operational simplicity, efficient resource utilization, and enhanced service levels.

Dell Compellent’s Storage Virtualization is the perfect complement to any leading virtual server platform. Aggregating physical disks into logical virtual volumes removes the limitations inherent to physical drives. The result is a dynamic pool of storage resources shared by virtual machines (VMs). Storage is presented to VMs simply as capacity, regardless of disk type, RAID level or server connectivity”.

Lastly, mentioning about the new/emerging technologies Dell expect to see in Storage Virtualization in the next 3-5 years, he said, “Today, storage virtualization is often aligned with product implementation (e.g. software on an appliance or switch or in a storage system) used primarily for aggregation of heterogeneous storage. Legacy storage technologies also prevent IT organizations from realizing the full benefits of true virtualization - including business agility and responsiveness to rapidly changing needs, nonstop availability of critical services, improved application performance, UNIFIED Storage that supports file as well as block level virtualization on a single appliance and optimized utilization of infrastructure investments”.

“To meet these challenges and reap these benefits, organizations need a next-generation intelligent storage platform that is designed from the ground up to address the needs of today's highly dynamic and highly virtualized data centers. We are seeing lot of investment going in next few years to improve these capabilities on storage virtualization. Seamless integration with application awareness on Storage solution is another future trend”, he added.

Customers have started deploying virtualization in their datacenters

The views of Surajit Sen, Director Channels Marketing & Alliances, NetApp India were no different from the views of Subroto Das and Bobby Mon.

Elucidating about the current status and the future of Storage Virtualization market, said, “After toying with the idea of virtualization over the last couple of years, customers have started deploying virtualization in their datacenters. NetApp is working on projections given by IDC that Globally Cloud Services was around US$17.4B and will grow with CAGR of 26% till 2014. We substantiate similar growth in India based on our experience in Indian IT market. 

According to credible reports in the public domain, storage virtualization as a technology has not quite picked up as much as server virtualization and  if industry estimates are anything to go by then only about 5% of enterprises have gone in for virtualizing their storage.

Since the industry sought to virtualize in silos and since server optimization has long been the top priority for Indian IT heads, storage as well as network to some extent did suffer initially. However, the correlation between server and storage virtualization has been established and there is a general consensus now that the time for storage virtualization has arrived.

According to our assessment, we believe storage virtualization in the industry could have gone up to close to 20% in the last 12 months alone and the trend is on an upswing”.  Mentioning about the verticals NetApp is targeting with their offerings, he mentioned, “NetApp has been successful across all Industry Verticals like Banking, IT/ ITeS, Insurance, Telecom, Financial Services, Manufacturing and Government.

We are looking forward to expand our horizons in Healthcare, Media and Entertainment sectors”. Moving further and informing about how the company looks at the Storage Virtualization segment in India as well as globally, he commented, “Although storage virtualization has not really seen rapid growth in India, the technology has definitely seen a slow and steady rise.

It's interesting to note at this point that there are many misconceptions in India when it comes to storage virtualization. It’s essential to address these issues in order to arrive at the right storage virtualization solution for your requirements.

There are four basic types of storage virtualization- In-band, out-of-band, split-path and array controller based storage virtualization approaches. The choice of technology ultimately boils down to the best fit for the customer’s requirements and budgets. NetApp has seen significant success with its V Series Virtualization engine over the last 2 years”.

On being asked about the kind of new/emerging technologies they expect to see in Storage Virtualization in the next 3-5 years, he answered, “The industry is moving towards a ‘Shared Infrastructure’ environment in the Datacenters. This essentially means that Datacenters would break down the application centric silos, which have traditionally created dedicated servers, networks & storage silos for each application. Instead customers would create virtualized pools of compute, network & storage resources”.

These resources can by dynamically provisioned based on the demands posed by various application workloads. In this context storage would need to depend on innovations like

-    Scale Up & Scale Out
-    Storage Efficiency
-    Intelligent caching
-    Unified Architecture
-    Integrated Data Protection
-    Non-stop Operations
-    Secure Multi-tenancy
-    Service Automation & Analytics


Going by the verdicts of the above vendors, it could be easily summed up that the market for Storage Virtualization management solutions is expected to become one of the most innovative and potentially lucrative in the near future.

Jalaj Roy Choudhury

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