Mar 17, 2012

Indonesia - Nat Geo Dissociates From Asian Pulp And Paper Due To Logging Concerns

National Geographic Society (NGS) has publicly broken ties with Asian Pulp and Paper (APP) after a Greenpeace report revealed that the company was using endangered Indonesian ramin trees in its production line.

APP, a goliath in the paper industry, has been targeted by numerous environmental groups over the years for relying on rainforest and peat land destruction for its paper products. This practice likely endangers wildlife such as tigers and orangutans and emits significant amounts of carbon into the environment.

Evidence of such activities is slowly surfacing – WWF recently revealed that APP claims that its operations were independently certified as sustainable were not backed up by any of the standard setting or certifying companies it mentioned.

Greenpeace’s yearlong investigation found that APP and suppliers were cutting and pulping ramin trees, which are legally protected under Indonesian law as well as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

The protected tree species were allegedly being illegally logged and pulped at an APP mill in Sumatra. Greenpeace has since handed over its evidence to Indonesian police who told the group there would be an investigation.

The Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), which in the past has received criticism for its certification of APP, has called for an investigation into the APP’s illegal logging allegations.

In response to the discovery of APP fiber in one of its coffee-table books, a NGS spokesperson said:

“We do not use APP products in our current books. While there may be a few books in our inventory that were printed on APP paper, we no longer use materials supplied by this company and have not for several years.”

Shortly after the initial exposé, APP, which is part of the Sinar Mars Group, began a new project with the Man and Biosphere Program (MAB) Indonesia – LIPI to provide clean and safe water to communities in Indonesia.

Rebecca Lim

Source: WWF; Photo: © WWF-Indonesia/Riau Project.

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