Mar 7, 2012

Malaysia - Record year for Malaysian medical tourism

Medical tourism in Malaysia hit record levels in 2011 and is on track to achieve yet another year of healthy numbers in 2012.

But with the bulk of business coming from Indonesia, attracting people from other countries is vital for long-term growth as Indonesia has a new hospital improvement plan.

Receipts from foreign patients spending on medical treatment in Malaysia in 2011 were RM 509.77 million, while foreign patient numbers were 578,403. This compares to revised figures for 2010 of 392,956.The 2012 prediction is over 600,000.

Dr Mary Wong Lai Lin of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) says the 2011 revenue grew by 34.5 %, while the number of patients went up by 47.2 % on 2010. These figures are well above the initial projection of RM 431 million revenue and 400,000 foreign patients.

MHTC was established under the Ministry of Health Malaysia as the primary agency to develop and promote the healthcare travel industry and position Malaysia as the healthcare destination of choice in the region. Medical tourism receipts are separate from tourist receipts, which are tabulated by the tourism ministry. 41 hospitals and 8 dental, eye, and health screening clinics are registered with MHTC.

Penang received the highest share of foreign medical revenue at 49 %, followed by hospitals within the Klang Valley at 21 % and Malacca, at 10 %. The Indonesian market continued to form the bulk of foreign patients in Malaysia due to its proximity and accessibility. Dr Mary Wong Lai Lin of MHTC adds, “We are targeting Japan, China, the Middle East and Bangladesh as well as countries within South East Asia such as Cambodia and Myanmar.” Foreign patients often seek very specialised treatment such as cardiac, orthopaedic, in vitro fertilization and oncology, while an increasing number are seeking cosmetic surgery and dental treatment.

Indonesia is planning to bring more hospitals up to international standards, aiming for the country to be a health tourism destination by 2015.The health ministry believes that it is unfair that Indonesia is always overlooked and even its own citizens go to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand or India.

There are 10 state-run hospitals in Indonesia — including Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital [RSCM] in Jakarta - currently working towards Joint Commission International accreditation. Three private hospitals, Siloam Hospital and Eka Hospital in Tangerang and the Santosa Hospital in Bandung — are the only JCI ones in Indonesia.

The Indonesian health ministry seeks to improve hospital standards at home so fewer Indonesians will travel abroad to seek medical care. Bali’s Sanglah Hospital has the most potential to be marketed as a health tourism destination, as patients can enjoy the resort island while recuperating from treatment. The ministry will ensure the affordability of medical care for Indonesians at the state-run hospitals seeking international accreditation. The plan is that the accreditation process for RSCM will finish before the end of 2012 and the others will follow soon afterwards.

Medical tourism news

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