Mar 23, 2012

Myanmar - Australia to send observers to Myanmar polls

SYDNEY: Australia Friday said it will send a five-person delegation to observe by-elections in Myanmar next month, a poll seen as a major test of the country's reform credentials.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr said the government in Yangon had invited the team, which is expected to join observers from other nations, including the United States, in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.

"We have repeatedly encouraged the Burmese government to ensure these by-elections are free and fair -- and this is an encouraging start," Carr said in a statement.

"Australia hopes to see further and more comprehensive election observation missions as Burma's democracy matures."

The vote, which will see Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi stand for a seat in parliament for the first time, comes a year after a quasi-civilian government took power following the end of decades of outright military rule.

Myanmar President Thein Sein has vowed to ensure the by-elections are transparent.

- AFP/ck

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