Mar 13, 2012

New Zealand - China GE steps show benefits for NZ

New Zealand's GE Free status is in an advantage in building trade with partners searching the world for safe, clean, GE-free food.

That's the message in China's latest actions to protect its own food system from GE contamination.

The announcement that China is to put in place State legislation restricting GMO proliferation and banning the use of unauthorised GE technology is a signal that GE food safety has become paramount consideration for China's State Council.

China has already taken the first steps to detect any GE contamination by establishing the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) Bureau. This body carries out pre-export analysis and testing of GE food and seed and has stringent border inspection protocols for GE products.

"This move has enormous implications about food safety. The US is facing significant problems from its deregulation of GE crops, and other countries are taking positive action after learning from their mistakes" says Claire Bleakley president of GE Free NZ.

Last year GE Free NZ and other regional representatives were included as part of an inaugural symposium bringing together experts from across Asia. The symposium was part of growing recognition of the negative impact of GE crops on the Chinese people, exports and economy.

The charismatic and forward thinking Mayor of Chongqing, Mr. Wang Lijun, and his security bureau experts, heard presentations from international and national speakers about the concerns over the safety of GMO's on human health and the escalation of unapproved GE varieties being found in the China food chain.

"Many of the experts we talked too are highly concerned about GE contamination and the reports of adverse effects on the health of animals and humans from GE," says Claire Bleakley "There is significant international interest in knowing if New Zealand has the capacity to grow GMO-Free seed for their farmers".

GE Free NZ congratulates China's State Council on their commitment to halt the unrestrained and unapproved GE varieties that have been found contaminating their food supply in recent years.

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