Mar 4, 2012

Singapore - 10 things you shouldn't do on a plane

EACH time you board a plane, you meet people from all walks of life.

Some of them go on to become travelling partners or Facebook friends, while there are others you wish you will never see again.

Other than in-flight service, the outcome of whether a passenger has enjoyed his flight depends a lot on who he sit next to.

The commercial airplane cabin is a public space - much like a bus or train - that warrants some basic courtesy across all seating classes.

CNN reported on a list of five things that passengers should never do on planes, with bare feet topping the list of no-nos.

We expanded the list to include some other common pet peeves of in-flight travel.

1. No bare feet

After being on the road long hours, the first thing you might want to do when you get to your seat is to get comfortable.

Sure, you can go ahead and kick off those shoes to give your feet a breather. But if you have smelly feet, please keep the socks on. This applies to all classes, according to CNN.

In a confined area like the airplane, it goes without saying how smells can be easily transmitted, especially to the person sitting next to you.

Some full-services airlines provide passengers with socks, wear those and tuck your soiled socks away.

2. Don't abuse the recline

Consideration would be welcomed especially during meal times. Do not be that person who decides to lean back when the food cart is rolling down. It is hard enough to eat in a small confines of your seat, don't make it even harder for others with a seat in their face.

3. Don't be an overhead hog

Most of us know that the demand for overhead luggage space is more often than not oversubscribed.

Don't take up space by insisting your coat stays next to your bags, says CNN. The coats can go into the clothes rack, just ask the cabin crew for help.

If someone requests to move your bag to make space for his or hers, let them.

4. No talking loudly to strangers

There are some people who love meeting strangers and befriending them. But there are some who don't.

If you are talking to your seatmate, watch the volume of your chatter and laughter. The rest of the plane does not need to know where you come from or what you do for a living, according to CNN.

If your seatmate whips out a book or magazine, take the hint - he probably does not want carry on the conversation beyond the casual greeting.

5. Don't make dumb jokes

Don't say things like "I've got a bomb," or something equally stupid. While you might find it funny, it might get your thrown off the plane and into some heavy questioning, according to CNN.

6. Don't stare at a flight attendant from top to toe

Okay, she's a hottie and a head turner, who has definitely caught your attention. But don't stare her up and down, each time she walks by your row. Afterall, you don't want the pretty lady to feel like an alien.

7. Don't leave your chewed gum around

Imagine opening up your tray table for your meal only to see old gum stuck on the inside. Obviously, leaving chewed gum on the armrest is equally inconsiderate.

8. Don't blast music from your headphones

While country or rock songs might be music to your ears, it could be noise to others. By all means, listen to your favourite playlists on board, just keep the volume to a considerate level.

9. Don't make out on board

Light pecks on the cheek are okay but save the slobbery tongue action for the hotel room.

Groping under the in-flight blanket is a no-no too. Don't be mistaken into thinking that the action is discreet because you are covered.

While other passengers might not be so rude as to expose you, do them the courtesy by not making them feel uncomfortable.

10. Don't kick the seat in front repeatedly

Some people do this unknowingly when they are moving about in their seats trying to find the most confortable position to sleep in. Some are born with lengthy legs and there is really not much leg room. But when it happens repeatedly, anyone would be annoyed. When that happens, don't blame your neighbour in front for telling you off.


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