Mar 26, 2012

Thailand - Prices, not politics, worry Thais: polls

The public is worried about the rising cost of living, getting tired of dithering politicians and is increasingly turned off by the political divide, two leading pollsters said in surveys released yesterday.

Abac Poll found that one in two people said they viewed the economy as more important than the political situation.

Their major concerns in the past 12 months were rising prices, higher fuel costs, earnings falling behind expenditures, natural calamities and illicit drugs.

Many voiced puzzlement that the Internal Trade Department could not keep prices in check.

Suan Dusit Poll said three in five people were no longer interested in news reports on political bickering. Instead they were keen to know what the government and politicians were doing about rising prices.

They said they wanted to monitor news on price fluctuations, measures to improve livelihoods and wage adjustments.

About one in two people said they followed news reports on drug suppression and the distribution of tablet computers to students.

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