Mar 5, 2012

Thailand - Thai PM urges kids to stay off drugs

The government has upgraded its efforts to fight drug abuse and trafficking into a national priority, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday.

She urged members of society to cooperate with the government and police to prevent the spread of drug abuse.

Yingluck was speaking while chairing the opening ceremony of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) project at the National Stadium. Her son, Supasek Amornchart, accompanied her to the event, joined by about 15,000 students. The students have received training from Narcotics Suppression Bureau officials under the D.A.R.E programme to protect themselves from being lured into using drugs.

The D.A.R.E project was launched by the Narcotics Suppression Bureau to educate sixthgraders to keep away from drugs.

Yingluck's son took part in a parade inside the stadium and was assigned to carry the ceremonial flag to the podium.

In her speech, Yingluck thanked the officials who organised the event.

She said all Thais must cooperate to seriously fight against drug trafficking and abuse, adding that the government has made the problem a national priority that needs to be tackled urgently.

She said the laws against drug trafficking will have to be enforced strictly and drug abusers must be rehabilitated so they can return to society to live normal lives.

She said the government has a policy to prevent drug dealers from accessing those in highrisk groups.

She said the government would give priority to protecting students and youths from becoming drug abusers.

Narcotics Suppression commissioner Pol LtGeneral Chaiwat Chotima read to Yingluck a report listing the D.A.R.E project's achievements.

He said the project was modelled after a successful one developed in the United States and launched in several countries.

Chaiwat said 2,200 police officers have instructed some 730,000 sixth graders in how to protect themselves from drug pushers.

Chaiwat said all sixth graders nationwide would receive training under the D.A.R.E. project by 2015.

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The Nation

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