The venture
capitalist who cofounded LinkedIn reveals the surefire system that he has used
since high school for evaluating potential business relationships.
As a venture capitalist, and the cofounder of the leading online
professional networking site, I am keenly aware of the value of good alliances.
Indeed, my interest in the nature of alliances began long ago, when I was a
freshman in high school. Thinking about what I would do with my life, I came up
with a perfect plan. My friends and I would all seek positions of power: One of
us would be president of the United States; another would be president of IBM;
another would run a powerful nonprofit. We’d coordinate our efforts and change
the world together. Seems like a lofty ambition for a high schooler, I know,
but we truly believed that if we joined forces, anything in life was possible.
Thinking now about the kinds of people who make good allies, I realize
that over the years I’ve come to group the behavior of my friends and
acquaintances into four categories based on the way they managed the
relationships in their lives. These categories have become the clues, signs,
and guideposts I look for when assessing whether I want a certain person in my
corner — and if so, what that alliance should look like. The four categories
also serve as a framework for me in deciding who to engage with in business
partnerships and other professional relationships.
They influence everything from the companies I choose to invest in, to
the people I hire to work at LinkedIn, to the acquaintances I try to get to
know better over lunch. Some leaders have difficulty with alliances, either
because they do not understand the importance of alliances in a networked
world, or because they do not understand the types of alliances that are
possible with different people. Still others struggle because they fail to see
that true alliances are not just a means to an end; they are authentic
relationships built upon mutual respect and trust. This understanding has
helped me adopt the right kind of alliance with each individual I encounter
In the course of their careers, people in professional life — who
succeed at least in part because of the quality of their encounters with one
another — meet a wide variety of other people. One could see these
acquaintances, in effect, as standing on a continuum of trustworthiness and
accountability. At one end are people who treat the world as transactional, judging
each individual encounter by its benefits for them alone.
People in the middle are moved and inspired by a higher order of
sensibility; they perceive their effect on the world at large to matter more
than the short-term benefits of any individual deal. And at the far end, some
people are motivated primarily by the quality and impact of their
relationships. For every individual you might do business with, it’s essential
to know where he or she stands on this continuum, to know how much you can
trust him or her and how the relationship can be most beneficial — to
both of you.
Four Attitudes
about Alliances
It can be difficult to see the character and motivations of other
people clearly, because many of us keep those facets hidden. All successful
professionals learn to interact reasonably well with others, even when some of
them have little care or regard for other people. But the way people manage
alliances is a powerful clue. It reveals not just how they approach business
dealings, but how they will actually behave in an alliance with you. Here are
the four basic categories.
1. “I’ll do
something for you, if you’ll do something for me.” These
people limit themselves to deals in which their immediate benefit is at least
as great as the benefits for others. If they’re investors, they put their money
in a company only when the deal is certain to reward them financially; they
insist on either immediate payoff or some guaranteed terms for the future.
They’re generally unwilling to do something for other people without certainty
that in the future they will be paid back.
For example, I once met two partners in a startup software company who
were negotiating a deal with a major company interested in licensing their
technology. It was clearly in the startup’s interest to participate, though
they would have to wait some time before they saw a direct financial return.
One of the partners immediately understood that this represented a valuable
opportunity, with potential strategic importance.
The second partner kept asking: “Why would we do this? We have no
interest in what they want us to do.” He saw no reason to take a risk without
the iron-clad guarantee of a future payoff. In this way, the second partner
revealed his own attitude about trust. He would extend himself for others only
if compelled, and thus did not trust others to do the same for him.
If you do business with people who have this attitude, in which trust
is limited and so are the kinds of alliances you can form with them, you need
to ensure a stream of short-term rewards for them so they constantly feel they
are getting something back. These kinds of alliances are inherently risky. The
moment you run into problems and the rewards dry up, even temporarily, these
people will seek an escape route. They are unwilling to share your pain. They
will not invest in an authentic relationship with you, because they do not
trust you to honor that relationship in the future — because they themselves
would not. The moment your interests no longer align with theirs, you will have
2. “I’ll do
something for you, but I’m keeping track of what you owe me.”Some
people approach life as if it works on a tally system. When they do you a
favor, you owe them something in return. Maybe not today or this month or even
this year, but before too long, they expect you to pay them back in some
manner. This attitude can rear its head at the very beginning of a business
discussion. A prospective investment partner might say: “I'll show you this
deal, but I expect you to show me your next good deal.”
This attitude, too, is highly correlated with a form of risk aversion.
These individuals are no less focused on reward than those in the previous
category. They are simply willing to wait a little longer for it. In a way,
this makes them even less attractive candidates for a professional partnership,
because they are too focused on their mental scorecard to invest in the
relationship in a meaningful manner. Furthermore, if you give them something,
they’ll believe it’s only because you want something at least as valuable in
return. That’s just the way their minds work.
This type of alliance can run into trouble when your allies’ tally
systems — their way of accounting for costs and benefits — are different from
your own. This happens more than you might expect, because of a subtle aspect
of human nature: Even when people are well intentioned, they tend to overvalue
their own contributions and undervalue those of others. If there is tacit
disagreement about the value that has been exchanged, or if stress prevents you
from fulfilling your part of the bargain in good time, the alliance may not
bear the load. These people are likely to get fairly hostile if they feel that
the score is uneven or that they’ve done something for you and you’re not
giving them something that they specifically want in return.
3. “I’ll invest in
this relationship, and I expect you to invest commensurately over time.” Unlike
those who are always keeping score, tracking who did and gave what, these
individuals often make alliances with the understanding that each side can be
trusted to honor its commitments to the other. Each is expected to provide a
reasonable level of return, at least in the long run. But these people don’t
expect you to explicitly say what form that reciprocation will take, or to
offer a deadline by which it must be provided. There’s a mutual understanding
that the relationship itself is important — and that sometimes one party may do
something very one-sided on behalf of the other, with the view that it helps
the alliance and the relationship, and that all favors even out in the long run.
An alliance with this type of individual can be an excellent foundation
for a long-term, trusting partnership, so the relationship should be nurtured.
The key to this kind of relationship is communication, talking explicitly and
respectfully about what the boundaries of the relationship are, and how you can
invest in each other, professionally or otherwise. When there’s a communication
gap, or one of the parties is not quite sure of the signals, you will run into
trouble. If one person believes that trust has been violated, or that the other
has misrepresented what he or she intends to bring to the relationship in the
long run, all bets are off.
4. “I’ll invest in
this relationship because it is the right thing to do.”These
individuals have no explicit expectation of return. They are providing great
value with only the knowledge that they are improving the relationship and the
satisfaction of having helped another person as compensation. These people seek
out relationships with others who share their values and goals, and they
believe that helping the other person will advance those values and goals.
Underlying these relationships is the assumption that when the right people are
involved, an alliance is extremely valuable in its own right; we partner with each
other to change the world. This type of alliance can ensure a successful,
long-term, satisfying outcome even if the personal rewards are limited or
curtailed. To reach this optimal level of exchange requires a very high level
of trust. Once you have earned that kind of trust, the relationship can move
I have seen the value of this type of exchange many times in my career.
For example, in my new book I tell the story of how, some years ago, I formed a
partnership with Mark Pincus (now CEO of the game company Zynga) to buy a
social networking patent called Six Degrees. About a year after that, I was
presented with the extraordinary opportunity to invest in Facebook. My initial
response, like that of any intelligent investor, was to make the entire
investment personally. But on reflection, I realized that given my relationship
with Mark, the right thing to do was to give him the option of taking half of
it. Mark and I had no agreement to bring each other any investments.
But because of our collaboration on Six Degrees, we were implicitly
allied across our shared professional interest in social networking companies.
I felt the only honorable thing I could possibly do in that circumstance was to
present the opportunity to Mark. I’ll admit, this wasn’t purely selfless; I was
also aware that if I opted not to do so, the deal would create a conflict of
interest that could threaten the relationship, as Mark’s interests and my
interests in how to deploy the Six Degrees technology might sharply diverge. Mark’s
interests could even become fundamentally different from my own, and that would
make it difficult to continue working together.
In the end, I communicated to Facebook that we needed to split my
portion of the investment with Mark. Yes, I knew that decision would cut the
investment’s financial value in half for me, but I also knew the return on the
investment of trust and mutual commitment would be infinitely more valuable in
the long term. And it was. Later, when Mark formed Zynga, I invested and joined
its board; we continue to work together in building huge companies, as deep
I use this same framework whenever I am deciding whether to work with
or hire new people. First of all, I listen closely not just to what people say,
but also to the questions they ask; this can speak volumes about how they will
behave in the relationship. For example, if the first question out of a job
candidate’s mouth is about the promotion schedule or compensation package, I
know this is an untrusting individual who is unlikely to invest much effort
without the explicit promise of immediate reward. On the other hand, if the
candidate asks how his or her skill set can be deployed to complement those of
colleagues, this is clearly someone who will make a trusted ally.
I also look for less-obvious signals. For example, I observe not only
how people treat me, but also how they treat others. Are they dismissive and
rude with waiters and clerks, or are they generous and willing to overlook
relatively minor mistakes? Do they talk about others with respect in general
conversation, or do they routinely disparage others behind their backs? Do they
talk about what they like and trust in other people, or do they talk mainly
about how other people are dangerous? These signs can indicate whether people
see relationships as primarily transactional and the transactions as fleeting,
or as strong candidates for future trusting alliances.
Moving toward
This isn’t to say that you should avoid dealing with all transactional
people at all times. I regularly establish alliances with people who exhibit
any of the four categories of behavior, but each category requires a different
approach to the relationship. Working with someone in the first group — who is
solely in it for him- or herself — can be tricky, fragile, and time-consuming.
The alliance tends to be unstable and relatively brief. But if the ground rules
are established correctly, such a person can be a valuable partner in the very
short term — perhaps as an investor in a one-time deal, or as a bridge to an
important introduction.
It’s also possible to form good alliances with people in the
tit-for-tat second group, but generally only if you create clear agreements and
boundaries. If you’re hiring or going into business with one of these people,
my advice is to put all terms in writing.
People in the third group are for the most part great allies, since
they will invest proactively in the relationship and will be reliable, even
when there is no immediate personal benefit. These two middle groups are the
mainstays of most business transactions, as most professionals have varying
needs for explicit signs of commitment to a partnership or deal.
Alliances with people in the final group are more rare in the business
world, and they work only when you share values and goals. Generally, you both
have to have a fair amount of self-knowledge about what you stand for, and you
must believe in each other’s mission in the world. Usually people in this
fourth category have deep personal integrity, and they prize doing good for the
sake of doing good. These are ideal partners for a long-term business
relationship, but they may also demand a greater commitment from you, or a
higher level of shared values, than a simple professional alliance requires.
Of course, these four types of attitudes aren’t mutually exclusive;
people vacillate among them. I know many people who tend to start their
professional relationships with relatively high levels of trust. But under
stress, they feel wronged, or when they see you doing something that they
dislike, they revert to the more explicit, transactional alliances. On the
other hand, some people can start by investing in the relationship with their
eyes toward some future payoff, then ascend to the most altruistic level when
they realize that they share significant trust with you, and a mission in the
When it comes to your career, although it may be tempting to forge lots
of transactional alliances — after all, by their very nature, there is payoff
for bothparties — in the long run those alliances built on trust
and integrity are most valuable. As I instinctively knew back in high school,
these relationships open the door to more possibilities, and are more likely to
lead to great accomplishments. I believe that the people who tend to become
more effective in the world are those who build and nurture the best alliances.
One way to help nurture good alliances is to provide early and explicit
signs of your own commitment, showing people that you actually care about
helping them. My name for this practice is the “theory of small gifts.” There
are many small ways to invest in a relationship and create more value for
everyone, without expecting anything tangible in return. For example, you can
offer to introduce people to others in your network; if the introduction is
well chosen, it can be one of the most valuable things you can do for someone.
When I introduce two people on LinkedIn, my expectation is that both people
will appreciate the introduction, even if a specific business transaction does
not happen.
In fact, I had the theory of small gifts in mind when we developed
LinkedIn. At the most obvious level, LinkedIn is a system that helps members
use their networks to find people with relevant knowledge, experience, and
resources. If you’re interested in open source programming and search LinkedIn
for that phrase, you will see a list of experts connected to you through mutual
acquaintances. You can easily ask for introductions without having to phone
someone, ask them to do the hard work of thinking who would be the right match,
and then manage the logistics of connection.
It seems counterintuitive, but the more altruistic your attitude, the
more benefits you will gain from the relationship. If you insist on a quid pro
quo every time you help others, you will have a much narrower network and a
more limited set of opportunities. Conversely, if you set out to help others by
introducing them to the right people, simply because you think it’s the right
thing to do, you will rapidly reinforce your own reputation and expand your
universe of possibilities. For me, that is the greatest value of understanding
alliances; it can help you build the kind of network on which great careers are
Reid Hoffman
Reid Hoffman is a partner at Greylock Partners, a venture capital fund
in Silicon Valley. He is also the executive chairman and cofounder of the
professional networking site LinkedIn
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