Mar 9, 2012

Vietnam - Flaunting wealth can create bad consequences

It is indisputable that in modern society, when the materialistic world is overflowing with all kinds of consumer goods and services, human-beings develop a need to enjoy life.

However, many of the parvenu rich and new rich have little idea of how to enjoy life without ripping a hole in the social fabric of the community or society of which they are a part.

The riches are prone to show off their wealth to get the public attention and to let everyone know they have money. Their extravaganzas gained instant publicity which, unfortunately, they mistook for “fame,” something that is achieved through noble feats that command social respect and admiration.

It is true that anyone can spend their money any way they want, as long as it is not against the law, but spending excessively to show off wealth can create negative effects to the society and lead to harmful consequences.

Conspicuous consumption, for one, highlights the gap between the rich and the poor when some can spend billions of dong in one day while others have to work around the clock to earn a few million dong a month and are still unable to make ends meet. As such, it only helps to advocate the “get rich by any means” mentality, which in turn will sow the seeds of social evils.

The popularity of a rich person or a businessperson should be based on a combination of ethics and talents. Many rich people are respected and honored and leave good impressions on others. They are good at making money but rather than spending it extravagantly, they quietly contribute their wealth to the country’s growth, making the society better.

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