Mar 29, 2012

Vietnam - Lowering interest rates can rescue businesses: Experts

Again, the issue of lowering interest rates has been recommended urgently by the leading economic experts in a recent meeting between the Prime Minister and leaders of several ministries and departments with experts and scientists.

And although lowering interest rates cannot be delayed, the route and level of lowering interest rates must be carefully considered.

Lowering interest rates cannot be delayed as the "storm" of bankruptcy of businesses is now covering all of the country with a dizzying speed.

Recent report of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) shows, in 2011, the country had more than 79,000 businesses going bankrupt. Particularly for less than first three months of 2012, the number of enterprises suffering difficulties and being forced to dissolve or suspend operations increased by 6% over the same period last year. Especially, the number of enterprises that have completed procedures for dissolution increased 57% from the same period last year.

The dissolution and stagnancy situation of businesses has led to an inevitable corollary of slower GDP (gross domestic product) growth in the first quarter of 2012 with about 4%, the slowest growth level in many past years. Thus, unless hardships of enterprises, especially difficulties in interest rates are removed timely, it is likely that the list of dissolved enterprises will be increasing more and more.

Further, the economy will be hard to reach the growth target of from 5.5 to 6% as planned and accompanied by a series of social problems will arise.

Economic specialists compared that thousands of businesses are being "fired" due to lack of credit, but the government has not opened the water valve yet. Without timely measures to resolve the problems, it is likely that there will be more thousands of companies to go bankruptcy and millions of workers to lose their jobs, negatively impacting on the socio-economic situation.

In fact, there have been premises for cutting down interest rates when bank liquidity improves and inflation fell sharply (in Jan-March 2012, the inflation was only over 2.5%) and banks also agreed that they cannot lend because of too high interest rates. Total outstanding loans of the banking system by the end of February and early March 2012 decreased 2.51% compared to the end of last year. If the high lending interest rate is extended, certainly not only businesses but also banks will fall into difficulties.

Lowering interest rates is unable to delay. But how much does the interest rate reduce? And when is a reasonable time for lowering the interest rates. This is also a matter of special attention. The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)'s decision to lower the deposit interest rate ceiling by 1%, and announcement to bring down the interest rate to 10% per year by the end of this year showed the central bank has moved from passive to active. In fact, the reduction of interest rates should not be carried out so suddenly, if not it will cause the disorder in liquidity in some banks and potentially unforeseeable risks to inflation and forex rate.

However, with the current health situation of businesses, it is necessary to accelerate the schedule of reducing interest rate to 10% per year right in the third quarter 2012 to facilitate help revive businesses in late 2012 or early in 2013. In this direction, with abundant credit source, the central bank can fully offer refinance loans at reasonable interest rates for commercial banks to re-lend businesses at the interest rates of around 10% / year but does not need to lower the deposit interest rate cap as well as solve the bank liquidity issue.

Of course, this special refinancing program should be done according to the rules to ensure the money inflows in the right direction and right purposes. In the long run, when inflation is brought to a stable level, the central bank can regulate interest rates in Vietnam to be equivalent to the level in the world, at least equivalent to the region to help enterprises increase their competitiveness.


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