Mar 26, 2012

Vietnam - Students take extra jobs to fund their studies

VietNamNet Bridge – While the students from well-off families can go to universities with their parents’ money, many others have to work hard to get money for their studies. The following stories show how Vietnamese young people eager for higher education.

Girl gives up school, works hard to fund sister’s study at university

Hoang Thi Sen, a student of the Law University, dreamed of becoming a lawyer when she was child. She felt so happy when she passed the entrance exams to the law school. However, she knows that she will have to go on a thorny path to fulfill her dream.

Born into a poor family in Luc Nam district of Bac Giang province, Sen knows that she should not expect money from parents for her study, but she needs to earn money to support the study herself. The mother is now the main laborer in the family because the father now cannot work due to the after war-effects.

Sen understands that she is luckier than the young sister. Though the sister was a good student, she decided not to follow university education, but went working to get money to help parents and fund Sen’s study. 

Therefore, right after arriving in the capital city, Sen immediately went looking for a job. Over the last two years, Sen has been working hard and learning hard. “I sometimes felt too tired and intended to give up the job. However, when she thought about the sister, who wanted me to go to school, and I decided to keep learning and working,” Sen said.

Dang Thi Quynh Luong, also a law school student, said she has to work to get money to cover her basic needs and help the parents.

In order to save money, she shares the same small rent room on De La Thanh Street. It is always dark in the room that Luong has to turn on the light all day. Just after three days of living in Hanoi, Luong went seeking job.

“I have to spend much time on the job. I can only begin my self-teaching hours after I get back home late in the evening and had dinner. However, I have no other choice. I need to live and work,” Luong said.

Working can bring interesting and useful experience

Sen said that she does not feel ashamed when she goes to work every day. She now can take pride that she can earn money to feed herself with the job. Besides, the job can bring interesting and use full experience and valuable lessons about the live skills.

Sen is working as an office assistant for a company, for which she gets 1.3 million dong a month – a modest salary. However, she feels satisfactory with the experiences she can get from the job, the new relations she can get when communicating with the colleagues.

Luong said that she is not as lucky as Sen who can work for an office. In the last two years, Luong has to take any job she can find to be able to survive in the big city. However, the hard life has helped the second year student learn more about the life.

At first, she worked for a café in Hanoi, then for a KFC restaurant, and now for a photocopy shop. Besides that, she sells flowers on the Valentine Day or the International Women’s Day to get extra money.

Luong said she has grown up and more dynamic with the jobs. She once lost hundreds of thousands of dong when selling flowers. She once received a counterfeit 500,000 dong banknote. However, Luong said, she never feels discouraged and wants to give up the jobs.

Source: VTC

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