Mar 10, 2012

Vietnam - Wearers of imitation helmets to be fined

All importers, makers and traders of imitation crash helmets and motorcyclists wearing this kind of products will be penalized, according to a draft joint circular by four ministries concerned.

The ministries of Science and Technology, Transport, Industry and Trade, and Public and Security, is expected to jointly issue a circular to fight imitation crash helmets, most of which are unsafe fashionable helmets but widely available on the market at cheap prices, Tran Van Vinh, deputy head of the Directorate of Standards, Metrology and Quality told Tuoi Tre.

Under the circular, manufacturers or importers of helmets must register their business and product quality with competent authorities, obtain a Conformity with Regulation (CR) certification, and attach a CR stamp to their products before launching them on the market.

A CR stamp indicates that a home-made or an imported crash helmet has been certified as conformable with applicable regulations.

Traders of helmets must obtain a license for their business, sign contracts with the manufactures or importers to enable agencies concerned to track down the product origin.

Crash helmet of clear origin means a crash helmet bearing a label displaying the name and address of the manufacturer or the names and addresses of the importer and distributor; date of manufacture; and origin of product (for imported crash helmets).

Traders must also obtain from manufacturers or importers a copy of CR certificates, and ensure every helmet they offer for sale have a CR stamp.

If the markers and traders fail to comply with any or all of these regulations, concerned agencies have the right to impose penalties on them at once without having to examine the quality of their products, Vinh said.

Proposed penalties for importers, manufacturers and traders of imitation helmets will be announced by the circular drafting board in the near future.

As for helmets users, wearing an imitation helmet while riding motorbikes will be considered as not wearing a helmet and they will be fined at a proposed rate of VND100,000-200,000 (US$9.6).

One of the objectives of the circular is to help consumers to differentiate genuine and safe helmets from imitation ones, which fail to meet quality standards and safety regulations, Vinh said, adding that relevant agencies should call on consumers to boycott imitation helmets.

Once the circular is issued, all imitation helmets on the market will be handled by competent agencies, Vinh said.

The circular drafting board are collecting opinions from the public and relevant agencies about the circular's contents.


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