AsianScientist (Mar. 2, 2012) – Fears of
involuntary exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in food and consumer products
are diverting attention from proven methods of cancer prevention, an Australian
cancer researcher says.
Writing in the medical journal The Lancet
Oncology, Professor Bernard Stewart, from the University of New South Wales and
the Cancer Control Program at the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
Public Health Unit, says a world-first analysis of evidence shows lifestyle
factors are the most significant proven causes of cancer.
“Measures known to prevent cancer include smoking cessation, reducing
alcohol intake, curbing obesity, and avoiding deliberate sun exposure.
Diverting attention from these messages threatens to undermine their efficacy
to deliver proven benefits,” said Stewart.
For this article, Prof. Stewart systematically
reviewed medical literature on known and suspected cancer hazards.
“Cancer is arguably the most-feared disease in the Western world, and
media attention focuses on any inference of causation,” he said. “Most people
are aware of a multitude of possible cancer causes.”
While there is evidence that air pollution
contributes to cancer risk, Stewart noted that the risk is at least ten times
less than it is for smoking.
“Though exposure to very small amounts of carcinogenic (cancer-causing)
chemicals occurs as a result of food contamination and by using certain
consumer products, these circumstances have never been shown to cause cancer in
developed countries.”
Stewart pointed out, however, that tanning
beds were a proven melanoma risk in people. Recently, the New South Wales
government introduced a measure to ban solariums in the state.
“Cancer has not been shown to have arisen because regulatory authorities
overseeing food standards or consumer product safety overlooked the evidence,”
Professor Stewart said, “with the possible exception of quicker action to ban
tanning devices.”
He said focus must remain on proven cancer
reducing strategies.
“There may be a case in public health policy for the message that cancer
is not all the individual’s fault. But this perspective could bring with it the
burden of needless anxiety and, in all likelihood, lessen inclination to adopt
measures proven to reduce the risk of malignant disease,” he cautioned.
Source: UNSW.
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