Apr 2, 2012

Cambodia - Burma by-elections expected to dominate Asean summit talks

The official theme for Asean this year is "One Community, One Destiny", and on the table for its 20th summit starting tomorrow is how it can push ahead on integration and fulfil the promise of the heady slogan.

But what will likely dominate discussions both inside and outside the plush meeting rooms at the Peace Palace, where the summit is being held, will be yesterday's by-elections in Burma.

The closely watched polls, expected to send Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi into Parliament after 22 years of house arrest, are a milestone on the country's path towards political reform. But some of the shine was tarnished with allegations of ballot tampering.

Burma President Thein Sein, who is slated to attend the summit, is likely to brief the other nine Asean leaders on the by-elections. Their hopes will be that it went well, especially as Burma, which became an Asean member in 1997, is scheduled to take over the Asean chair in 2014 after giving up its turn in 2006.

Asean has also held the at-times unpopular line that it is better to engage the country - previously ruled by a military junta - than to isolate it.

Yesterday, Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said the weekend polls portend well for the country. Asean had sent a delegation to monitor them.

"I have been in touch with the teams very, very closely, and they report full enthusiasm, full alertness, full awareness of all parties involved in the by-elections," he told reporters here.

"It is a good omen for Myanmar (Burma)."

A statement from Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) yesterday said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is arriving here today for the summit, accompanied by his wife, Ho Ching, Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang and Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam.

Deputy Speaker Charles Chong will be representing the Singapore Parliament at the annual Asean Inter-Parliamentary Assembly meetings.

MFA said the Asean leaders will discuss community-building efforts and Asean's goal of realising the Asean Economic Community by 2015.

They will take stock of the implementation of the Asean Charter signed in 2007 and the Connectivity Masterplan, as well as discuss efforts towards the realisation of a drug-free Asean by 2015. They will also exchange views on regional and international issues, said MFA.

There are also hopes that the regional bloc can make progress on the Asean++ free trade agreement launched last year. While Asean has signed trade pacts with China, Japan and South Korea separately, it wants a wide-ranging free trade bloc spanning East Asia and beyond.

But the leaders will need to work at ironing out the kinks - especially in ensuring that plans are not stymied by implementation roadblocks.

The Connectivity Masterplan, for instance, was adopted in Hanoi two years ago, but still faces challenges in actualising the plans to link up via physical infrastructure, trade agreements, and cultural and educational tie-ups.

Singapore has been at the forefront of roping in the private sector for its 15 priority projects, including the Singapore-Kunming rail link and the easing of visa requirements for Asean nationals. Starting last October, it has arranged dialogues with interested companies from countries such as Japan and the United States.

However, the Asean Way, which emphasises consensus over enforcement, means that not every member - grappling with their own domestic agendas - is in lockstep.

Veteran diplomat K. Kesavapany, who was Singapore's director-general for Asean in MFA during the late 1980s, acknowledged the challenge.

"Of course, it is frustrating that Asean is not able to move faster and further, especially in trade liberalisation and economic integration," he told The Straits Times. But he is hopeful that the regional bloc's member-states will eventually overcome what he terms "an acute sense of nationalism and territorial integrity".

PM Lee and his delegation return to Singapore on Wednesday.

Li Xueying
The Straits Times

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