Apr 15, 2012

Russia - India, China, Russia issue joint statement

Moscow, Apr 13 (IBNS): Text of Joint Communiqué of the Eleventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China:

April 13, 2012

1. The Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China held their 11th meeting in Moscow on 13 April 2012.

2. The Ministers reiterated the importance attached by Russia, India and China to their constructive cooperation in the trilateral format. They stressed that this cooperation was not directed against any other country, was conducive to the promotion of regional peace, security and stability and served to benefit their peoples.

3. The Ministers reviewed the progress in the implementation of the decisions taken at their 10th Meeting in Wuhan, China on 14-15 November 2010.

The Ministers underlined the importance of cooperation in the field of disaster management and appreciated the outcome of the trilateral programme for exchange of information and expertise on the use of geo-spatial technologies in monitoring and forecasting flood and drought organized in Hyderabad, India on 24-26 May 2011. They also welcomed the outcome of the 4th Russia-India-China Trilateral Expert Meeting on Disaster Management in St.Petersburg, Russia on 6-9 September 2011 and identified priorities for further cooperation in the trilateral format.

The Ministers welcomed the growth in trade and investment relations among the three countries and took note of the 3rd Trilateral Business Forum in Rostov-on-Don, Russia on 21-22 September 2011.

The Ministers noted with satisfaction that the 11th Trilateral Academic Scholars Dialogue was convened in Beijing on 15-16 November 2011.

The Ministers supported advancing practical cooperation in the trilateral format in the areas of emergency response, health care, agriculture, business, energy and innovation & high technology, acting in close coordination with efforts made in these areas by different multilateral fora.

4. The Ministers recognized that the world was undergoing profound changes, and the global trend towards multipolarity was irreversible. Meanwhile, global challenges were becoming ever more serious and complex. In this context, they emphasized the need to find collective solutions to global challenges such as regional conflicts, WMD proliferation, terrorism, transnational organized crime, illicit drug trafficking, natural and man-made disasters, financial and economic destabilization, food shortages and climate change. They noted that the events in the Middle East and North Africa had shown that there was no alternative to negotiations and peaceful settlement of conflicts through concerted actions by the international community. The Ministers affirmed that Russia, India and China intended to closely cooperate in addressing these challenges, including by consulting among themselves in the framework of the UN and relevant multilateral fora.

5. The Ministers stressed the importance for the Asia-Pacific region to establish an open and transparent security and cooperation architecture responsive to the legitimate interests of every country in the region and built on universally recognized norms and principles of international law, recognition of the indivisibility of security and mutual respect and confidence. 

6. The Ministers noted that the East Asia Summits provided a promising format for dialogue on broad strategic, political and economic issues of common interest and concern with the aim of promoting peace, stability, and economic prosperity in East Asia. Russia, India and China called for advancing partnership in the spirit of network diplomacy among various regional associations, fora and dialogue structures, such as ASEM, ASEAN, the SCO, ARF, SAARC, CICA, the ADMM-Plus and others.

7. The Ministers expressed deep concern over the continuing situation in Afghanistan and stressed the importance of the international community remaining engaged in Afghanistan. They called on the international community to deal firmly with terrorist groups to obviate the risk of Afghanistan sliding back to being a safe haven for terrorists and extremists, threatening the region and beyond. The Ministers reaffirmed that Russia, India and China remained committed to a peaceful, stable, independent and prosperous Afghanistan.

8. The Ministers stressed the central coordinating role of the UN in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan. They reaffirmed readiness to closely interact on Afghanistan in the framework of the UN and within other international fora and regional initiatives, including the Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan, the Istanbul process and the SCO. In this regard they welcomed Afghanistan's aspiration to play a larger role in these regional organizations.

The Ministers stated that the withdrawal of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) should be guided by the security situation on the ground and the capability of Afghan National Security Forces to take care of the security of their country. The Ministers noted that ISAF should fulfill its task in accordance with the mandates of UNSC resolutions.

9. The Ministers proceed from the assumption that national reconciliation in Afghanistan should take place truly under the Afghan leadership and ownership, as laid forth in the 20 July 2010 Kabul Conference Communiqué and further elaborated in the 5 December 2011 Bonn Conference Conclusions supported by the Government of Afghanistan and the international community.

10. The Ministers emphasized the urgent need for the international community to counteract illicit drugs production in and trafficking from Afghanistan, in line with the decisions of the Paris Pact and the SCO Anti-Drug Strategy.

11. The Ministers firmly supported the central coordinating role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security, promoting common development and international cooperation. They reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more effective, efficient and representative. Russia and China reiterated the importance they attach to the status of India in international affairs and support its aspiration to play a greater role in the UN.

12. The Ministers reaffirmed that, being responsible States that possess advanced nuclear technologies, Russia, China and India considered it as their common task to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and contribute actively to strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. They welcomed the successful holding of the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul in March 2012 and supported the implementation of decisions contained in its Communiqué.

13. The Ministers noted that the situation concerning Iranian nuclear issue could not be allowed to escalate into conflict, the disastrous consequences of which would be in no one’s interest. Iran has a crucial role to play for the peaceful development and prosperity of a region of high political and economic relevance, and needs to play its legitimate part as a responsible member of the global community. The Ministers expressed concern about the situation that was emerging around Iran’s nuclear issue. They recognized Iran’s right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy consistent with its international obligations, and support resolution of the issues involved through political and diplomatic means and dialogue, including between the IAEA and Iran, and urged Iran to comply with the provisions of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and extend its full cooperation to the IAEA. The Ministers expressed the hope that the P5+1 meeting on 14 April 2012 would yield positive results.

14. The Ministers expressed deep concern over DPRK’s launch and called for maximum restraint from any move which could lead to escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula.

The Ministers affirmed the importance of the proper resolution of the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula through political and diplomatic means and called on all parties concerned for further work aimed at the earliest resumption of the Six-Party Talks, with a view to achieving the goals set in the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Russia, the Republic of Korea, the US and Japan of 19 September 2005.

15. The Ministers reiterated strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stressed that there can be no justification for any acts of terrorism on any grounds. Acknowledging that terrorism is a common challenge that requires the strongest collective action by the global community to combat it, they reaffirmed the action must be taken not only against the perpetrators of terrorist attacks but also against their supporters and sponsors.

16. The Ministers underlined the necessity of assisting other UN member states in better implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and increasing the number of parties to the UN anti-terrorism conventions, and promoting the implementation of Security Council resolutions, in particular Resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005). They emphasized the support to the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee activity and reinforcement of the capacities of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate in key areas related to countering the threat of terrorism.

17. The Ministers expressed concern over the increasing use of information and communication technologies in ways threatening the security of nations as also international peace and security. In this context, the Ministers noted the need for the international community to formulate relevant norms and rules.

18. In the context of developments in the Middle East and North Africa, the Ministers reaffirmed commitment to finding solutions to crises confronting the region's countries within a legal framework and only through peaceful means, without outside interference inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

19. The Ministers emphasized strong commitment of their States to the principles of sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and resolutely called for peaceful settlement of the crisis in that country through joint renunciation of violence by all sides and Syrian-led inclusive political process.

The Ministers expressed support for the efforts of Mr. Kofi Annan as the Joint Special Envoy of the UN – Arab League, including his proposal for early deployment of the UN observer mission.

20. The Ministers reaffirmed strong commitment to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of the universally recognized international legal framework, including the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the Madrid principles, and the Arab Peace Initiative.

21. The Ministers noted that the process of recovery from the global financial and economic crisis had been uneven. Emerging markets and developing countries were becoming the driving forces for the growth of global economy. The Ministers agreed that major economies should in a precise and timely manner coordinate efforts to facilitate the strong, sustainable and balanced global growth. They expressed particular concern over persisting development gap between the North and the South, and stressed that steps to reduce this gap could enhance global growth.

22. The Ministers of India and China welcomed the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, which would make the organization more representative and strengthen the rule-based multilateral trading system.

The Ministers noted the need for all countries to take specific steps to counter any form of protectionism and to strive to achieve a comprehensive and successful outcome of the WTO Doha Round in line with its developmental mandate.

23. The Ministers reiterated the role of the Group of 20 as the major forum for international economic cooperation. They emphasized that the goal of reform of international financial institutions was to achieve, inter-alia, equitable distribution of voting power between developed and developing countries. India and China expressed their strong support for Russia's Chairmanship of the Group of 20 in 2013.

24. The Ministers welcomed the outcomes of the 17th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP-17/CMP7) held in Durban, South Africa in December 2011. The Ministers expressed confidence that the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2012 would provide an important opportunity for the international community to promote global cooperation in sustainable development.

25. The Ministers welcomed the outcome of the Fourth BRICS Summit held in New Delhi, India, on 29 March 2012, which demonstrated the growing stature and weight of this group.

26. The Ministers commended the consultations among the directors of the respective departments of Russian, Indian and Chinese Foreign Ministries that took place on 12 July 2011, and agreed to hold such exchanges on a regular basis.

27. The Foreign Ministers of Russia and China appreciated the constructive engagement of India with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its willingness to play a greater role in the SCO.

28. The Ministers of India and China thanked the Minister of Russia for the warm hospitality and excellent arrangements for the 11th meeting of the Foreign Ministers.

29. The Ministers decided to hold the next Ministerial meeting in India.

Moscow April 13, 2012

India Blooms News Service

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