Apr 16, 2012

Thailand - Thai PM hopes to boost Thai-China ties

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will start a three-day official visit to China on Tuesdayat the invitation of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. Following is her written interview with ChinaDaily prior to the visit.

1. What do you think of the current level of China-Thailand ties? Is there any area thatboth sides can work together to improve?

Thai-Chinese relations remain close and cordial and are moving forward rapidly and smoothlyin all key areas, including trade, investment, tourism, science and technology, health, educationand culture. Trade and investment, in particular, are the two areas that have seen the mostrapid expansion. China is our 2nd largest trading partner, while Thailand is China’s 14thlargest. This makes China an important market for Thailand. At the same time, China is also animportant investment source for Thailand. Chinese investors regard Thailand as an attractiveinvestment destination in many fields, including infrastructure, agricultural and alternativeenergy.

Recently, during the official visit to Thailand of H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, Vice President of thePeople’s Republic of China in December 2011, we signed the Memorandum of Understandingon Cooperation on Sustainable Development in Thailand, which demonstrates thedetermination of our two Governments to implement concrete cooperation in 4 areas, namely,high-speed railways, water management systems, alternative energy, and education andhuman resources development. These will be the key areas of cooperation on which our twoGovernments will be working closely together in the years to come.

For the next period of Sino-Thai relations, our two Governments have agreed to enhance,broaden and deepen our cooperation to be a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnershipin order to generate greater concrete benefits for our two countries and peoples, as well aspeace, stability and socio-economic prosperity in the region and beyond.

I am confident that my official visit to China will further strengthen our existing cordial friendshipand bring about more fruitful and concrete cooperation between our two countries and peoples.

2. We all know that Chinese police in mid-December started joint patrols with theircounterparts from Laos, Myanmar and Thailand to maintain security along the MekongRiver. How do you comment on the joint patrol?

The Thai side is ready to participate in the cooperation on patrol in the Mekong River under the4 party mechanism framework which was agreed upon between China, Myanmar, Laos andThailand in October 2011.

As the Mekong River is an important waterway for transport of goods, tourism and people-to-people contacts for all 4 nations, Thailand supports the aim of the 4 party mechanism which willincrease safety and security of riverine traffic in the region.

Thailand believes that the cooperation on patrol in the Mekong River by itself cannot bringabout sustainable safety and security for riverine traffic. All 4 participating nations must furthercooperate to address the root causes of the issue by ensuring the continuous enforcement ofrelevant laws in other areas, particularly on combating transnational crime on the Mekong Riversuch as the trafficking of narcotic drugs, weapons and humans, and illegal immigration. Areasadjacent to the banks of the Mekong River should be jointly developed by all sides in order toimprove living standards of the people in the area.

3. How do you comment on China's peaceful development and China's ties withASEAN countries? Is there any area you think that China should improve to boost theties with these countries?

For the past 20 years, ASEAN and China have been partners in development. China shareswith ASEAN the same goal of peaceful development, which has enabled the region to focus oneconomic and social development, benefits from economic growth while becoming resilient tothe on-going global financial crisis. Indeed China is an engine of growth that can help spur thedevelopment of the entire region.

This was most clearly seen in China’s vital role in helpingAsia recover from the global financial crisis in 2009.

On areas to deepen our ties, China is already ahead of the game in identifying areas ofcooperation with ASEAN. At the 14th ASEAN-China Summit in Bali in November 2011, PremierWen made a number of key proposals such as the establishment of the ASEAN-ChinaConnectivity Cooperation Committee, the 3 billion Yuan ASEAN-China Maritime CooperationFund and the communication channel between the ASEAN Disaster Management HumanitarianAssistance Coordinating Centre and China’s relevant authorities, all of which were warmlywelcomed by ASEAN. He also proposed to designate 2012 as the year of ASEAN-Chinascience and technology cooperation.

China has proven to be a responsible and constructive partner of ASEAN, and I hope thatChina will continue to play a constructive role and contribute to maintaining peace, stability andsocio-economic development in the region.

4. What role do you think China plays in the development of Thailand and otherASEAN countries? Do you think Thailand will contribute as a coordinator to promoteChina-ASEAN ties?

Apart from the expansion of our trade and investment, the Governments of our two countriesare now working closely to implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation onSustainable Development in Thailand. Cooperation under this MOU is a good example of howChina’s expertise and technology could assist Thailand to advance its development for thebetterment of the Thai people.

In the regional context, China is the most active dialogue partner of ASEAN and has played akey role in the development of ASEAN, including ASEAN Community building efforts. Thailandappreciates China’s role and efforts in bridging the transportation gap and fostering economiccooperation in the region, particularly under the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) framework,which will support the full realization of connectivity in ASEAN and provide greater businessopportunities in terms of trade, investment, tourism and people –to- people interactions,especially along the economic corridors in the region. This benefits Thailand’s economicdevelopment as well.

ASEAN and China have also agreed to cooperate on eleven priority areas of cooperation,namely agriculture, information and communication technology, human resource development,Mekong Basin Development, investment, energy, transport, culture, public health, tourism andenvironment.

As an incoming country coordinator of ASEAN-China relations, Thailand is committed tocontinue the good progress and momentum achieved between ASEAN and China thus far andwill put particular emphasis on 3Cs comprising of community, connectivity, and code of conductthrough close coordination and regular consultation.

5. Female politicians are getting more power these years. As the first female ThaiPrime Minister, what kind of advantages do you think you have compared to yourmale colleagues?

While some believe that femininity makes women weak, I believe that a woman’s gentleness,empathy and sensitivity are important advantages. Furthermore, we have a lot of problems tosolve, particularly on the issue of reconciliation. My strength as a woman is that I am better ableto achieve compromise, and I am more patient than some of the men.


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