Apr 8, 2012

Vietnam - Local tour guides are meant to educate tourists

I have read an article by Thao Phuong and do not agree with her point that local tour guides badmouth Vietnam when they take tourists overseas. Badmouthing is turning a good story into a bad one for some reason of individual intention. I found all the comparisons remarked upon by tour guides in the article to be true.

First, everyone knows about bumpy bridges in Vietnam and they have been talked about over and over again. It is also common for Vietnamese to see goods in a supermarket and they do not buy. How can we shop in a foreign country when our budget is limited? In the article, the author also concluded that: “Vietnam still has a lot of difficulties and many people are still living in poverty.” This is nothing to be ashamed of. The last remark about throwing garbage on the street reflects a bad habit of the Vietnamese which we can see every day. The three anecdotes are all true, so how can we accuse the tour guides of badmouthing the country and its people?

Secondly, as a Vietnamese person, I know that our country is poor and many people are still needy. I also see positive changes in the current development. However, it is not because we are poor that we accept bumpy roads and potholes caused by careless or corrupt constructors. It is not because we are poor that we feel ashamed to be told that we have no money to buy luxuries or goods which are more expensive than back home. Above all, it is not because we are poor that we are unaware of keeping public areas clean by not littering everywhere.

These acts are not related to being rich or poor, but they are instead connected to the awareness of each individual in society. Except for poverty, we are not inferior to other countries in intellectuals, resources, patriotism and a spirit to overcome difficulties. How can the author call those remarks lame comparisons?

The tour guides did not compare the economy of Vietnam and other developed countries. They were just comparisons of social awareness told by local guides to local tourists. Comparing ourselves to others and then learning from their good points is worth doing.

There is a proverb: “He that travels far knows much.” We travel to see, to compare and then strive to better ourselves in life and work. Only tour guides who do not understand local history or relay false stories to foreign tourists should be criticized. The Vietnamese themselves understand the limitations in their own country.

Tour guides have a right to share their feelings about their people, to express their worries and concerns about their country while taking tourists on world tours. And I believe that many Vietnamese in a tourist group would sympathize and understand because they have concerns about the country’s current situation too.


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