Jun 1, 2012

ASEAN - Regionalization before internationalization

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China-Asean trade is expected to reach USD500 billion by 2015, according to figures revealed at the China-Asean Beijing Economic Forum held in December 2011. The trade volume was almost USD356 billion in 2011, representing 9.9 percent of China’s total foreign trade.

Trade betwen the two parties has received a boost owing to the China-Asean free trade agreement in early 2010. China is now Asean’s largest trade partner while Asean is ranked the third-largest trade partner with China after the European Union and the United States.

It might be a natural development to grow the renminbi as a regional currency – as a precursor to take it global. The Asean countries, which include nations ranging from resource-rich Indonesia to financial centre Singapore, are home to 600 million people with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of USD2 trillion. In addition, they are a source of commodities such as natural gas and crude palm oil, which are important to support the Chinese economy.

Total renminbi foreign exchange (FX) trade in Singapore swelled to SGD428 billion in 2011, a ten-fold jump from 2010. This cements Singapore's position as another potential offshore market for renminbi trade after Hong Kong within the region. Singapore’s reputation as a major trade redistribution centre and a gateway to the Asean region has managed to attract a steady stream of investors keen to transact in renminbi.

The other Southeast Asian markets of Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia are already seeing substantial redenomination and renminbi payment flows, and this will continue to grow as their dependency on China trade increases.

China has become Thailand’s second- largest export market and its second-largest source of imports. China has also already signed bilateral currency swap agreements with three Asean nations, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

Currency wise, the US dollar is still the most commonly used currency as a means for trade transactions with China in the region. The renminbi can be deemed underutilized at both the internationalization and regionalization levels and has potential for substantial growth to develop towards a global currency.

While financial infrastructure will require significant transformation to accomplish widespread internationalization, Asean looks set to be increasingly instrumental in the regionalization and subsequent internationalization of the renminbi as it moves towards becoming a true global reserve currency.

Lee Bee Bee

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