Jun 10, 2012

Myanmar - Sectarian tensions boil over in Myanmar

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Calm appeared to be returning to Myanmar on Sunday following a flare-up in sectarian violence at the weekend after security forces fired on rioters who burned nearly 500 homes and stormed businesses and a hospital – five days after 10 Muslims were killed by a mob that attacked a bus carrying them from a religious ceremony.

State-run television reported that at least seven people were killed and nearly 20 were wounded on Friday in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships in the western state of Rakhine.

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It was not clear whether the deaths were caused by military action, but official media reported that a curfew had been imposed in the region and gatherings of more than five people had been banned. Myanmar naval ships had been sent to secure the coastal area along the Bay of Bengal while military were helping police restore calm to the area, the reports added.

The reports, also carried in the state-controlled newspaper Myanma Ahlin, went further than any state media so far in acknowledging long-running tensions between various ethnic and religious groups. Myanmar is overwhelmingly Buddhist but large parts of some states feature an ethnic and religious mix.

Analysts have said the atmosphere of growing openness under the reformist government of President Thein Sein, which took power early last year, has encouraged more debate and as a result, the venting of tensions. Public gatherings were forbidden under the previous military regime and issues involving ethnic and religious differences were regarded as too sensitive to report.

While Maungdaw township was said to be calm on Sunday morning, Reuters cited a local independent Buddhist group reporting more violence and deaths overnight in villages near the border with Bangladesh.

The population in the two troubled districts of Rakhine is 90 per cent Muslim-minority Rohingya, many of whom originally came from neighbouring Bangladesh in search of work and a better life. Tensions with the local Buddhist population have been driven partly by hostility towards the immigrants and partly by religious issues.

Most Rohingya are stateless, recognised as citizens neither by Myanmar nor Bangladesh, according to the UN, which estimates there are about 800,000 Rohingya in three border districts of Rakhine state.
Friday’s violence was triggered by the rape and murder of a young Buddhist girl last month, allegedly by three Muslim youths. State media reported on Saturday that the youths have been put on trial.

Official media did not identify the rioters. The Associated Press reported that local residents said the rioters were Muslims, while the dead appeared to be Buddhist, judging from their names.

In an unusual move, Myanmar’s information ministry, once better known for suppressing rather than disseminating news, said on its website that temporary refuges had been set up at monasteries to shelter those who lost their homes in the attacks, and that the government had flown in medical staff to tend to the injured.

According to AP reports, more than 150 people from Rakhine state and some Buddhist monks held a ceremony in Yangon on Saturday at Shwedagon Pagoda – Myanmar’s most important Buddhist pagoda – to pray for the murdered girl and those killed in the weekend violence.

Gwen Robinson

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