In particular, how
will Asia fare?
voters have spoken and narrowly approved a pro-austerity party. Instead of
celebrating, bond markets raised Spanish interest rates in anticipation of
further strains. Just how bad could the debt crisis get? In the best tradition
of economists, who juggle issues with two hands using the phrase “on the other
hand,” the answer is that the euro crisis is potentially, perhaps probably,
serious for Europe with noticeable knock-on effects. But contrary to general
expectation, the effects may be less severe in the rest of the world.
notion that over-indebted countries with shrinking economies could solve their
problems by having their badly impaired banks borrow money and buy more
government debt from their floundering home countries has long seemed strange.
It conjures images of two drunks staggering down the street holding each other
up. Because Europe is not politically integrated, its politicians have trouble
acting as if southern-tier economies deserve the same degree of support that
the US federal government provides to struggling regions under a truly
integrated federal system.
result has been grudging, inadequate and late injections of funds that almost
every commentator has called “kicking the can down the road.” The can is
getting too heavy to kick, and as relief rallies in financial markets shorten
from weeks to hours, we may be close to a real decision – a more integrated
Europe or an unwinding of the euro.
participants have figured out that new loans are likely to make them junior
partners and impose haircuts –reductions in amounts paid compared to the amount
due on government bonds – much as Greece has done. Thus, investors require high
interest rates, as the recent 7 percent Spanish yield on its debt shows. Such
rates ensure eventual insolvency for highly indebted countries unless there is
debt forgiveness or a bailout.
must figure out if it wants the trouble and expense of bailing out its larger
European export markets or cutting them off. President François Hollande has
said he wants less austerity, but even France is vulnerable in the current
circumstances. The Germans know that imposed austerity is unpopular and in any
case Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece together are too big to save. Europe is
between a rock and a hard place. It cannot force “internal devaluation” through
falling wages nor create enough growth to allow existing debt to be serviced.
about the rest of the world? The US has only moderate exposure to the EU
through its exports. US exports to the Eurozone are only 1 to 2 percent of US
GDP. US banks, while more stable than their euro counterparts, have not fully
disclosed their exposure through loans, bonds or derivatives, and this could
cause problems. In addition, many US multinationals have heavy European
exposure, and an EU meltdown would hit their profits and US stock values. While
the direct impact of European contraction would further retard an already
anemic growth rate and put more pressure on Congress to spend more or keep
taxes unsustainably low, it would not cause a depression in the US. Deficit
hawks are correct that overtime spending must grow less rapidly and tax
revenues must grow faster. Stimulus spending and tax cuts – though necessary if
the EU falters – would further delay critically necessary fiscal changes.
euro crisis could be a greater challenge for China. While May exports have
shown some strength, several quarters of credit tightening have reduced
inflation and real growth in China. Because local officials are promoted when
they report good growth, actual growth may lag behind official data, already
showing a slowdown. Data on electricity growth, fairly reliable data and highly
related to output, show low single digits of growth. Excessive real estate and
industrial investment have created excess capacity. State enterprise monopolies
and oligopolies and economic uncertainty keep personal incomes and consumption
low at only about a third of GDP, compared to double that ratio elsewhere.
the EU purchases over a fifth of China’s exports. If that shrinks, the
government must figure out ways to boost demand without recreating the wasteful
spending and bad loans common in the 2008-10 round of stimulus. China has more
fiscal space than richer countries, but existing excess capacity and
understated bad bank loans mean its leaders must move carefully or they’ll
produce even larger problems going forward. Still, the outlook for China is
that fairly rapid growth – 5 to 7 percent a year over the next several years –
can be expected even with a European crash. A muddling-through scenario for the
EU would put China 2 percent higher. China’s workforce is not growing so
quickly, if at all, so such a growth rate may intensify existing political
pressures, but should be enough to maintain stability.
another large country, is much less exposed to trade than China. India’s
exports of goods and services were only 22 percent of GDP compared to China’s
30 percent. Furthermore, the Eurozone consumes less than a fifth of what India
exports, so the total direct impact of a contraction would be unwelcome, but
not overwhelming. The main constraint on India’s growth now is its snarled
investment in electricity and infrastructure and poor governance. India could
gift itself higher growth, but this would have limited impact on the rest of
the world.
other large developing nations like Russia or Brazil or Indonesia rely on raw
material exports to a much larger extent than China or India, which together
with Europe are their major customers. If India and China slow down as Europe
declines, the prices of these raw materials are likely to fall and this will
reduce revenues, even if the quantities decline only modestly. This has already
happened. Oil and copper, two indicative raw materials, are 25 percent off
their recent highs. Coal, iron ore and many food commodities have followed this
pattern. Further price declines are possible.
joker in the economic deck is that while the direct impacts on most countries,
Eastern Europe and Northern Africa aside, of a euro collapse are small to
moderate, there could be a cumulative series of indirect impacts that set up a
downward spiral. Initial positions are weaker. Most rich countries, including
Japan, now have much higher debt to GDP ratios and/or lower interest rates than
in 2008. The efficacy of fiscal and monetary policy is constrained; even where
such policy would help, it may prove politically risky and unpopular.
result is that financial markets are afraid. Investors are willing to buy
5-year US or German government debt for less than 1 percent annual interest –
far less than the expected rate of inflation. This only makes sense if
investors expect deflation, caused by weak economies, or see the possibility of
a highly negative outcome and are willing to accept the near certainty of a
mildly negative outcome instead. Indeed, the ability of economists to
understand complex linkages, feedback and psychology is limited and the
relatively modest slowdown predicted, for example, in recent International
Monetary Fund and World Bank analyses could be well off the mark if the
negative-feedback loop intensifies and reactions continued to be slow.
world economy will probably pull through with anemic growth, but it could be
much worse.
Dapice is associate professor of economics at Tufts University and the
economist of the Vietnam Program at Harvard University's Kennedy School of
Government. This is republished with permission from the Yale Center for the
Study of Globalization.)
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