Jul 13, 2012

Myanmar - Myanmar remains firm on Rohingya issue

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Myanmar President U Thein Sein said Myanmar remains firm on not allowing Rohingyas to stay in the country.

Thein Sein made the statement during his meeting with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres in Nay Pyi Taw on July 11.

He said Rohingyas should be handed over to the UNHCR, which needs to provide them food and shelter in refugee camps or they will be sent to a third county if it accepts.

He added that according to history, the British colonialists took Bengalis into Myanmar before it regained independence in 1948 making them do farm work. At that time, some settled down in the country because of livelihood.

According to the law, Myanmar only accepts those whose parents have lived in the county before 1948.

The president noted that in Rakhine state, some are descendants of Bengalis who came before 1948 and illegal immigrants claiming to be Rohingyas.

He noted that the issue has threatened the state stability.

Like Myanmar, the Bangladeshi government has dismissed calls from the UNHCR to accept Rohingyas who feld to Bangladesh when violent incidents erupted in Rakhine last month.

“It is certainly not in the best of our interests to allow a further influx of refugees. We want to make sure that refugees don’t enter Bangladesh in large numbers again,” Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni told reporters in Dhaka.

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