Jul 17, 2012

Vietnam - New laws and resolutions made public

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VietNamNet Bridge – Thirteen new laws and two resolutions, adopted at by the third session of the 13th National Assembly, were promulgated on July 16 by the President’s Office.

The six laws, which were announced at a press briefing in the morning, include the Law on Deposit Insurance, the Law on Money Laundering Prevention, the Law on Tertiary Education and the Trade Union Law (amended). These laws will come into force from January 1, 2013.

Meanwhile, the Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention and the Labour Code (amended) will take effect from May 1, 2013.

The Labour Code (amended) has 17 chapters, 242 articles with 23 more articles than the present Labour Code.

The Law on Deposit Insurance comprises 7 chapters, 39 articles, aiming to protect the legal rights of depositors.

With five chapters and 50 articles, the Law on Money Laundering Prevention is seen as an important step in perfecting the nation’s legal framework for money laundering prevention, thus contributing to establishing transparency in the financial sector.

The Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention has 5 chapters and 35 articles. It regulates measures to reduce demand for tobacco and control tobacco supplies.

Later on the same day, the President’s Office continued to announce seven laws and two resolutions.

The seven laws include the Law of the Sea of Vietnam, the Law on Pricing, the Justice Assessment Law, the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education, the Law on Advertising, the Law on Water Resources (amended) and the Law on Handling Administrative Violations.

The two resolutions comprise one on the implementation of the Law on Handling Administrative Violations and the other on the issuance of a number of tax policies to deal with difficulties facing organisations and individuals.

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