Jul 13, 2012

Vietnam - Parents fear… their children may pass university entrance exams

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VietNamNet Bridge – In order to arrange enough money for their children to attend the university entrance exams, a lot of parents have to sell all buffalos, cows, pigs and rice. And they would have to sell more valuable assets to get money to fund their children’s study.

The biggest worry of the parents whose children attended this year’s university entrance exams is that their children may fail the exams. However, they would be even more worried, if their children pass the exams. They would have to work harder to earn more money for their children to go to university.

The dream of the poor

The man rejoiced greatly when meeting a woman named Yen. “I have been looking for you. Go to visit me in my home village one day, when you have spare time. I would reserve 100 kilos of oranges for you,” the man said.

Yen said the man came to thank for her help. “The man and his daughter did not have money to pay to the taxi motorbike driver. Meanwhile, they hurried to go to school to follow necessary formalities to attend the exams. I decided to pay to the taxi motorbike driver for them,” Yen explained.

The parent was Doan Van Phuc, a Muong minority man in Hoa Binh province. Before leaving for Hanoi with the daughter, Phuc and his wife sold everything they had, including 500 kilos of oranges, one pig and 400 kilos or rice for 5 million dong.

He left 500,000 dong for the wife, while bringing the remaining 4.5 million dong with himself to Hanoi. This was a huge sum of money for Phuc, but it was just enough for him to spend within 10 days.

Phuc was lucky enough when he met some people, who donated him hundreds of thousands of dong, which helped him and the daughter to stay in Hanoi for some more days, until the girl finished the exams.

The worry of the poor

Phuc, like many other Vietnamese parents, wish to see their children going to universities. They would tighten their belt to save money to fund their children’s study. Following university education, in their thoughts, is the only way that helps them change their lives.

Ba Van Loi from Nam Dinh, told reporters that he does not know what major his daughter plans to follow. The only thing clear to him is that his daughter has a very good learning capacity and she needs to follow university education, no matter what he has to do to fund her study.

However, if their children pass the exams to be able to go to university, the parents would be bent over with the financial burden. The tuitions, even with the state’s support, remain unaffordable to many parents. Meanwhile, everything is expensive in big cities.

Le Thuy Hanh from Thanh Hoa province said that there are many families in her village who have children going to university. “They told me that they have to pay nearly 20 million dong a year, which is a huge sum of money for me. We will never earn such a big sum of money, even if we starve ourselves.

“I would take pride if my daughter passes the exams to university. However, I still do not know how I can arrange money for her,” she complained.

“Old people do not need much food. We will have one meal a day, if necessary,” she said.

Source: VTC

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