Aug 25, 2012

Myanmar - Statement of Mizzima

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We regret to inform you that Mizzima’s websites have come under Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

While Mizzima’s editorial team cannot verify the exact cause of this attack, Mizzima has received several threats in recent weeks in reference to our coverage of ongoing hostilities in Rakhine State. Nonetheless, we remain firm in our professional position.

Since its founding in 1998, Mizzima has strove to stand for an independent and balanced assessment of news and events effecting Burma/Myanmar. Our principle concern is always the well-being of the country’s population. To this end, Mizzima’s editorial line is focused on the coverage of news and current events in the interest of prosperity and national reconciliation. And we shall not waiver in this commitment.

Further, a commitment to independent and responsible journalism has never been more important for the future of the country than it is today, as Burma/Myanmar embarks on an historic transition to democratic governance – one in which the world eagerly longs to support.

We hope and expect that our readers will agree with us, when we say that a part of this seminal transition to a democratic and prosperous Burma/Myanmar entails the freedom to convey and receive information. Mizzima firmly believes if Burma/Myanmar is to be a successful, modern country, there needs to take place a transparent debate inclusive of all stakeholders with a genuine desire to build a peaceful and prosperous Burma/Myanmar.

Thank you again for your interest in Mizzima and, more importantly, interest in witnessing a new, democratic Burma/Myanmar.

Mizzima’s editorial team

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